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3 Tips For Mentally Preparing For An Upcoming Move

Moving from one home to another, regardless of how far the distance is for the move, is a big deal. Just the packing and unpacking alone can be enough to stress someone out. But when you add on top of it all of the administrative tasks, the costs, and the physical and emotional strain, it’s no wonder why moving is one of the most stressful things you can go through in your life. So to help you handle this upheaval with grace, here are three tips for mentally preparing for an upcoming move. 

Grieve With Your Kids

If you have kids, moving becomes much more complicated. On top of having to move additional belongings to your new home, you also have to help you kids manage their emotions about moving from one home to another and all of the repercussions of this.

For most kids, Diane Schmidt, a contributor to The Spruce, shares that it can be very hard for them to say goodbye to their home, their school, their friends, and the life that they have grown used to. Because of this, you will likely see that your kids go through some of the stages of grief. If this is something you see happening, give yourself and your kids permission to grieve together. This will help your kids feel support and will give you the chance to let out some of your emotions as well, which is good for your mental health. 

Plan For How You’ll Stay Organized

The chaos of moving is what can make things so mentally stressful for many people. Many people can assist you in making the transition less stressful. Professional movers from companies like Atlanta Home Movers, for example, could be helpful in these cases. These people can meticulously pack and relocate your belongings for you so that you don’t have to go through the hassle of relocating them yourself.

Knowing this, it’s wise to try to stay as organized as possible about your move so that you can keep some of this chaos at bay. As part of this, you’re going to want to get going on your moving checklist as soon as you can. Then, you can slowly tackle things as it gets closer to your moving date. And when you actually begin packing, Erick Clifford, a contributor to, advises that you make sure you label everything that you pack so that you can better organize your moving truck, your storage space, and your home once you’re unpacking. 

Set Up Your New Life Before You Get There

Once you get to your new home, unpacking everything and getting your new life set up in the space can be very overwhelming.

To take some of this stress off of your plate upon your arrival, Lauren Phillips and Lisa Milbrand, contributors to Real Simple, advise that you get everything you can set up with your new home before you arrive. This means setting up all of your utilities, reaching out to people within the community, figuring out where you’ll do your shopping or get your medical care, and more. 

If you’re wanting to move with as little mental stress as you can possibly muster, consider using the tips mentioned above to figure out how you can achieve this.