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The best tips to sanitize and clean things during a move – Stay safe

Do you think moving during Coronavirus pandemic is a necessity for you? If yes, it is most likely that you’ll have several concerns about this whole process. From loading all your items to packing them and transferring them to your new home, unloading them and unpacking them, there are lots of things to consider.

Did you already choose a mover? If not, learn more on how they move with top-notch safety. You can also get several quotes online to check the prices charged by them. Check out the best tips and strategies to sanitize your things during a move.

  • Have all sorts of cleaning supplies ready

The foremost thing to keep in mind is to be prepared to clean all surfaces, both during the move and after the move. Would you wish to step out for everything that you want? click here for the best leads of disinfectant wands that you can use for your customers. The government websites also have a page dedicated to helping you choose a disinfectant that can best kill viruses. Ensure that the product you use contains adequate amount of bleach, which is 70% alcohol.

  • Clean before you unpack your belongings

This is an obvious tip but when you begin to move the items to a new home, do a thorough cleaning. Covid-19 is most transmitted through respiratory droplets if an ill person sneezes or coughs. As it is not clear how long the virus can remain on a surface, you should certainly clean the whole place as it can live on objects from a few hours to several days. One way to go about this might be to use an ultraviolet room disinfection device (visit to know more), which kills viruses and germs more effectively than most other cleaning methods.

  • Floors should be cleaned before unpacking

While you’re busy cleaning all the surfaces, don’t forget to clean the floors before you begin to bring back things to your new home. We don’t know how much time the virus remains on softer surfaces like carpets or clothes. Research reveals that this virus is most likely to remain intact on flat and hard surfaces. Nevertheless, if you’re moving into a new home, it is not a bad idea to clean the carpets prey often.

  • Restrain physical contact

Did you decide to hire people to help you with unloading and loading different portions of the move? If answered yes, you will have to consider the steps that can limit physical touch. Few such steps are:

  • Don’t shake hands while greeting a mover
  • Sign agreements and documents virtually before the day of moving to avoid signing on any real paper
  • Keep a hand sanitizer by the door if you see that the movers aren’t wearing gloves
  • The doors can be kept open for the movers to come in and out without having to touch the door knowbs
  • Assign few rooms for keeping the ‘uncleaned items’ as they come from the truck or out of the moving container.
  • Continuously clean surfaces like door knobs, switches, toilets and taps

Therefore, if you think you’re done with all these, you can initiate a move. Just as you need to seek help of an Seo company Toronto for optimization help, get help of the best moving company.