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Climate Change: Managing the Increase in Household Pests

What is climate change? And, what impact does it have on the numbers of creatures moving into human settlements and becoming pests?

It is evident from the number of pest control companies springing up across the United States, and the increase in annual revenue experienced by these companies, the numbers of pests moving into human settlement areas is increasing exponentially.

2018/2019 statistics show that there was a $2 billion (USD) increase in revenue between 2018 and 2019. And, in 2018 there were 27 134 registered pest control businesses. This number increased to 27 410 in 2019.

Climate change: A comprehensive definition

Before we consider ways of managing household pests or the best scorpion control measures, let’s consider the definition of climate change. Secondly, let’s determine whether the severe weather as a result of climate change is causing pests like insects, rodents, and snakes to move into urban settlement areas.

National Geographic defines climate change as the “the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.” Even though, the phrases “climate change” and “global warming” are used interchangeably, they have different meanings.

In essence, global warming is the “long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system.” It is a fundamental component of climate change, causing severe weather events like extended droughts, heat waves, tornados, tropical storms, hurricanes, and thunderstorms with heavy rains and large hailstones.

Why do pests are moving into human settlement areas?

As described above, the increase in the earth’s surface temperature is responsible for severe weather events. And, these events often destroy natural ecosystems forcing animals into human settlement areas to seek shelter and food. This is when they become pests.

Every creature on this planet has a place in the hierarchical structure of life or ecosystem. defines an ecosystem as a natural structure that “is comprised of all the non-living elements and living species in a specific local environment.”

When the host environment like a forest is destroyed through drought, flooding, or fire, the animals that remain move into other areas to find food and shelter. And, often, the best place to find food and shelter is in human settlement areas.

Managing the increase of pests in human settlement areas

Unfortunately, it isn’t safe for people to live in the same space as pests like scorpions, rodents, and spiders. Not only do some arachnids have poisonous bites, but animals like rodents also leave their saliva and feces on foodstuffs like grains and other agricultural crops, making it unsafe for human and domestic animal consumption.

Thus, the question that must be asked and answered is: What management techniques need to be put into place to keep pests out of human settlement areas? 

The salient answer to this question is: Hygiene.

Household pests are attracted to unhygienic living conditions. Thus, it is vital to make sure that the following tips are adhered to:

  • All food, cooked or otherwise, is cleaned up and packed away.
  • Dirty dishes must be washed, kitchen surfaces wiped down,
  • Bathrooms must be cleaned regularly.
  • Living areas must be dusted and floors must be swept or vacuumed and washed.
  • The yard should be kept neat and tidy.

Final thoughts

These tips are just a few of the many measures that should be implemented to make sure that animals do not move into human settlements and become dangerous household pests.