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Simple ways to add value to your home


Whether you’re looking to resell your home, or you have a buy to let property and want to boost your rental costs, it’s always a good idea to try and add value to your home. There are a range of home renovations that you can try, some of which are a lot easier and more affordable than you would think. If you’re looking for simple ways you can add value to your home, take a look at these popular renovation ideas.

Make use of your garden space

Gardens are an attractive feature for a lot of tenants and house hunters. If you’re not lucky enough to have a property featuring a large garden, utilise any garden space you have. This could mean transforming a small terrace or balcony into a beautiful outdoor space by adding features like artificial grass, flowers, plants, a table and chairs or a bench. These renovations won’t take much time or cost large amounts of money and can help prospective buyers or tenants warm to your property. But if you don’t feel like adding new features to your garden area, then simply tidying up what you already have can be just as beneficial. For example, contacting somewhere like this professional lawn care in Richmond, VA company to help with up-keep of your lawn, getting rid of the dead leaves on certain plants can spruce up the exterior design of your house more than you think. Just do whatever you think is best as it’s your space after all. With that being said, balcony’s in properties with a prime location and that overlook a striking city centre view are already in high demand, so adding these attractive features is a great way to boost demand further.


Update the properties exterior

First impressions matter, and since the outside of your property is the first part that a potential buyer or tenant sees, make sure it’s looking as good as possible. Ways to do this include re-painting your house, adding pebbledash features or new textures to the house’s exterior, or simply repairing any cracks or external damage. It’s also worth installing a new door, especially if your existing one is looking a little tired. Adding a new coat of paint to a wooden front door is another popular idea. Depending on the size of your home, you may also want to consider having a colossal flagpole put in the front yard. This is incredibly popular with families who are patriotic. Front doors in bold and bright colours could be a great way to make your home stand out, but if you’d rather stick with an understated theme, then a coat of matt paint in a neutral shade like grey or black will give your home a sleek finish. Of course, those who own apartments rather than houses have little control over the exterior of the building as a whole. Get around these limitations by adding a stylish welcome mat or decorating the front door with a removable door decal and fancy house numbers/letters.

Keep things up to date

If your property is looking a bit worse for wear, with old and worn out features and facilities, you should consider updating them. Replace old carpets with a new and modern design, give wooden floors a sand and varnish, and rip down old and dated wallpaper. Those looking to rent or buy a property are more likely to want to find a place that’s in good condition and doesn’t need any maintenance. That’s why ensuring your property is in good shape before putting it on the market is a great way to add value. The type of decor that house hunters usually go for is kept minimal, with neutral colour schemes and simplistic features. Property investment specialists, RW Invest, use this type of modern and minimal decor in all of their buy to let properties, with wooden floors, fresh colour schemes and stylish furnishings. Aside from updating the decor, make sure you install some up to date features like new, double glazed windows, and check that things such as the plumbing and shower systems are in working order. Updating your home interior can be pricey, however with the right equipment and skills, you can have your home looking like a new property after a few simple changes. For example, if you can get your hands on a Welding angle grinder, these help smooth surfaces, which can instantly give your home the polish it needs!
