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An All-inclusive Home Relocation Guide

Relocating from one home to another requires a lot of planning. Some people find it somewhat stressful, which is understandable. It is possible to avoid and surmount some of the common hurdles associated with moving home. The answer is found within adequate preparations, achievable if you put together a home relocation guide.

The guide is a moving checklist in which you must note down what to do before and during the move, making for a smooth transition. Start with breaking down the tasks, then categorize them per week based on your scheduled date for relocating to your new place. Experts recommend that you start planning for the move at least two months prior. If you are moving to London, for example, try contacting a london relocation agency (the ones like Simply London) to ensure that your new place is ready by the time you need it. Such relocation agencies can provide several services like virtual rental viewings, pet friendly home search, private letting services and a lot more. Anyway, below is an example of what you can add to your home moving guide.

6 Weeks To Go: Research The Movers

Start with researching movers and moving companies. Search for reputable professionals that have the resources you need. While at it, consider any factors that would make handling the relocations yourself a wise and cost-effective option, which then will require hiring a moving truck. Conversely, consider reviewing your insurance coverage if you settled to work with the professional movers. Also, go over the terms of their services and try to negotiate the price.

It would be best if you also started familiarizing yourself with the new town. It will also help if you know as much as you can about the area, its financial institutions, health service providers, education, entertainment, and public utilities and amenities. This is also the time to work on the necessary documents you will need to settle and set up your new address and accounts.

Always refer a moving checklist to make your relocation process smooth and hassle-free. Consider informing the relevant utility service providers and local authorities about your planned relocation. Update the electricity, gas, and water services companies to terminate the services or request them to arrange for the transfer of your accounts if you are relocating to a new place within the same town or county.

5 – 4 Weeks To Go: Start Sorting And Packing

Sorting and packing will be the primary focus over the course of these weeks. Get in touch with the movers, requesting them to supply you with packing material or if you are to buy what you need. Remember that your fragile things will require special packing.

It would be wise to have a labeling system to inventory everything to identify what has been packed. Try to avoid putting away everything; leave a few essential items you need to use over the coming weeks.

3 weeks To Go: Review Planned Changes

With the home relocations date three weeks away, you should be reviewing the various documents you need to ensure your move will not face any hiccups. Check the paperwork from the moving company and go over the insurance documents to avoid inconveniences on the moving date. You also should confirm the transportation modalities are in order.

Around this time, you also should get back to the electricity, gas, and water companies to inquire about the changes you requested as pertains to the planned move. Again, do the same with the post office and other relevant authorities.

2 Weeks To Go: On The Last Leg

Packing should be ongoing at this point in your home relocation preparations. Your focus should be on the few remaining things that are yet to be packed; the goal is to reduce that number by the day. Also, check your new home’s state, confirm all is well with the address, homeownership, and insurance with the realtor, or tenancy if you are renting.

You will immediately shift your focus on the heavy stuff you had not packed- things like home appliances (washing machine and entertainment system, among others) and various furniture items you are not using. Clean what you plan to set aside in readiness for the move; ensure they are dry, then cover them to prevent dust from collecting on them. Things like the fridge, bed, and sofa can be left for the last two days to the D-day.

1 Week To Go: Final Review

With the set a date for the move around the corner, you should check in with the moving company for the last time to confirm all agreed modalities are set for the relocation date as agreed. Ask if they will be sending a lead person, and request for his/her number so that you can touch base regarding what they expect to be done on your end before they arrive.

While at it, take the time to evaluate the necessary paperwork. Review each document to confirm there are no issues with your new residence and current home that require correcting. Furthermore, recheck your money status to ensure you can settle all payments for the services renders. It also would be wise to try and set some cash aside that will see you through the next few days of settling into your new place.

On The D-Day: Hitting The Road

On the day of the relocation, you should contact the movers to ensure they are ready and have enough people to handle the job. The next thing to do is to turn the power, gas, and water off. In the same spirit, call the utility services providers to confirm that the same (electricity, gas, and water) are turned on ready for your arrival. Avoid hitting the road before verify your stuff has been loaded and secured in the moving truck.