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What to Consider When Moving House

Moving houses is often stressful and ensuring you have not forgotten anything important is always a big concern. After all, you are packing up hundreds of belongings and that alone can be stressful, not to mention all of the paperwork that comes with moving house and the new utility bills that need to be put in place. Thankfully, there is plenty of helpful information for new homeowners out there, ensuring a move runs as smoothly as possible. This information might be pretty useful if it’s your first move too.

One of the best ways you can organize your move is by making a checklist of things to do before moving out. It will make things much easier! You can have a look at this moving house checklist from Safestore for some inspiration.

Here are some of the most important things you need to consider.

Sorting out bills and money

You will want to ensure you’ve given notice to your landlord if renting and have informed your water and energy suppliers of your moving date. You do not want to end up paying rent and bills for your old property after your move. If you are owed money from your former landlord (such as a returnable deposit) or from your energy supplier, you may need to chase it up, rather than rely on them to automatically return it.

Make sure everything is arranged

It may be obvious that you need to hire a removal van and driver, but you should also check a few things. Will it take it a few trips to move everything and if so, will that cost more money? If you’re working with the Number one rated Moving Company, all of these factors will be considered before moving and a fair price can be concluded.

You might also want to make unpacking small items easier, by labelling your boxes. By the time you move into your new home, you are likely to be thirsty. A kettle and mugs will top of your list of what to unpack. It will help if you can find them quickly. Other less urgent items may be unpacked within a few days or longer.

You may also want to take ten minutes to do a quick check of your old property on the day of the move. It may seem like everything is packed, but it is easy to forget something you meant to take with you. So, check all the rooms, drawers, and cupboards.

Let everyone know

You’ve probably told your friends and family, but in addition to informing your utility companies, you should make a list of everyone else you need to inform. This could be your bank, credit card company and any other places you have financial dealings with such as an Isa, life insurance or savings account.

In the event you forget to inform someone, you can have your mail redirected to avoid sensitive information going to your old address.

If you have a driver’s licence, you will need to change your address here.


Cupboards, drawers, and corners tend to gather dirt that you wouldn’t normally be able to get to. When clearing out and packing up everything, try to ensure you clean those areas. Nobody wants to move into a dirty house.

Best of luck in your new home.

Moving houses is often stressful and ensuring you have not forgotten anything important is always a big concern. After all, you are packing up hundreds of belongings and that alone can be stressful, not to mention all of the paperwork that comes with moving house and the new utility bills that need to be put in place. Thankfully, there is plenty of helpful information for new homeowners out there, ensuring a move runs as smoothly as possible. This information might be pretty useful if it’s your first move too.

One of the best ways you can organize your move is by making a checklist of things to do before moving out. It will make things much easier! You can have a look at this moving house checklist from Safestore for some inspiration.

Here are some of the most important things you need to consider.

Sorting out bills and money

You will want to ensure you’ve given notice to your landlord if renting and have informed your water and energy suppliers of your moving date. You do not want to end up paying rent and bills for your old property after your move. If you are owed money from your former landlord (such as a returnable deposit) or from your energy supplier, you may need to chase it up, rather than rely on them to automatically return it.

Make sure everything is arranged

It may be obvious that you need to hire a removal van and driver, but you should also check a few things. Will it take it a few trips to move everything and if so, will that cost more money? If you’re working with the Number one rated Moving Company, all of these factors will be considered before moving and a fair price can be concluded.

You might also want to make unpacking small items easier, by labelling your boxes. By the time you move into your new home, you are likely to be thirsty. A kettle and mugs will top of your list of what to unpack. It will help if you can find them quickly. Other less urgent items may be unpacked within a few days or longer.

You may also want to take ten minutes to do a quick check of your old property on the day of the move. It may seem like everything is packed, but it is easy to forget something you meant to take with you. So, check all the rooms, drawers, and cupboards.

Let everyone know

You’ve probably told your friends and family, but in addition to informing your utility companies, you should make a list of everyone else you need to inform. This could be your bank, credit card company and any other places you have financial dealings with such as an Isa, life insurance or savings account.

In the event you forget to inform someone, you can have your mail redirected to avoid sensitive information going to your old address.

If you have a driver’s licence, you will need to change your address here.


Cupboards, drawers, and corners tend to gather dirt that you wouldn’t normally be able to get to. When clearing out and packing up everything, try to ensure you clean those areas. Nobody wants to move into a dirty house.

Best of luck in your new home.