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How To Choose A Wedding Venue

Your Wedding Venue’s Location

Even though it’s your wedding, you’ll almost certainly be inviting some pretty important individuals, so keep that in mind while picking your wedding site.

One of the first things you should think about when choosing a wedding location is how simple it will be for your major guests to get there. I bring this up because you don’t have to be married in your hometown; the world is your oyster, especially with low-cost flights to Europe and other parts of the UK. Scotland and seaside locations, for example, are breathtakingly lovely. While many destination wedding photographers choose to go overseas for weddings, there are some stunning wedding locations in the United Kingdom.

Are you expecting any senior visitors, and if so, do you have suitable accommodations for them?

Will you have the ceremony and reception at the same site when choosing your wedding venue?

How viable is it to move from one area to another if they are at different locations?

Joe and Verity’s wedding was held in a treehouse! To reach there, you didn’t have to climb a rickety ladder, but it was deep in the woods and off the beaten path. Cheshire is a county close to my home, and it has some of the top wedding locations in the world. For more information, see this article on wedding venues in Cheshire.

Your Wedding Venue’s Flow

Once you’ve narrowed down your selection of locations and wedding venues, talk to the venue’s head wedding planner about how a typical day goes.

In the past, when I’ve photographed weddings, there have been long gaps between portions of the ceremony, and people have been quite bored! This is especially true when the ceremony and reception are held in the same space, and the crew takes a long time to turn the room around.

If you believe it is unavoidable, you may always hire a fantastic magician to fill the void. Take a look at David Burgess, for example. Even if you aren’t a fan of magic, your visitors will be amused! You may wish to schedule him even if there isn’t a gap!

It is important to consider the weather while organizing your wedding. For a variety of reasons, but will there be an inside place for your guests’ reception drinks?

Contact brides and grooms who have had weddings at the venue to inquire about their experiences.

Your Wedding at the Location You’ve Chosen

So, if you’ve already given up your ideal wedding in New Zealand, make sure you’re in command of the remaining decisions.

What I mean is that when you rent your venue, you should keep this in mind. Make sure you’re just reserving the venue. Photographers and caterers are included in the price of certain venues. Make sure you have the freedom to choose your own. If you’re hiring your photographer, be sure to ask them some questions as well. Are there seats and tables available at the venue? Is there a time limit on how long the party may last? Is it permissible to listen to music outside?

Inquire About Your Wedding Location

After they see my wedding photos and decide to book with me, they will be required to sign a contract. We both do because it shields us from each other if anything bad happens.

I’m thrilled that people just signed and booked with me. However, I’m always shocked by how few brides ask questions. Perhaps my contract is quite simple to comprehend. But it made me ponder. When choosing a wedding location, make sure you ask all of the questions you can think of.

Make a list of questions and ask them all before booking your wedding location. If you’re ever on tour with someone else from the venue, ask them as well! You could receive a different response!

Perhaps some renovations are going on that no one has told you about!

Your Wedding Venue’s Lighting

I’m guessing photography will play a large role on your special day, especially because all you’ll have to look back on after your wedding day is your wedding photographs and men’s rings for him and women’s rings for her. Apart from your recollections, that is. You’ll be able to relive the day over and over again if you choose the proper photographer. 

Because photography is essential, it’s also crucial that the venue’s lighting is enough for the photographer to operate. You might have a romantic, candlelight, dark wedding, but how will your photographs turn out if they’re essential to you?

Is there somewhere to snap photos with natural light after the ceremony? Perhaps outside, but if the weather is poor, are there any interior spots for some fantastic natural light photography?