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Treating Sexually Transmitted Infections

There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases, making a diagnosis the only sure way to identify one. The treatment options also vary depending on the type of infection. Most bacterial infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but viral STDs can be harder to treat. As the name suggests, they are primarily transmitted sexually, but HIV can be passed on through contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. Some of the infections can also be transmitted through needles or from a mother to the child at birth. Many diseases can be solved through an STD treatment in New York with Michael Rotman, MD, but complications can arise especially if the STD has been untreated for a long time. So its important to know the facts before diving in.


Some of the STIs may not have any symptoms for prolonged periods and only flare up when they have spread to different parts of the body. The most common symptoms include pain or burning sensation when urinating, painful sores in the genitals, painful intercourse, fever, vaginal bleeding, smelly discharge, abdominal pain, and swollen glands. Some of the symptoms may appear days after the exposure, while others may take years.

If you suspect you have a sexually transmitted infection, visit your doctor for a correct diagnosis or search for “std testing near me” to find a specialist clinic. If you have a new partner, before being sexually active, it is essential to get tested. If you get tested and the results are positive for STI, it is necessary to inform your current partner or the partners you have had for the past year. This ensures that the transmission does not spread to unsuspecting people.

As stated earlier, most people may not know that they are infected; therefore, they may unknowingly spread the infections. Doctors recommend periodic testing even when you feel healthy. It’s best if you go for testing together with your partner.

What causes sexually transmitted infections?

Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases categorized according to the organisms that caused them. Bacterial infections include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, while trichomoniasis falls under parasitic infections. Viral infections consist of genital herpes, HIV, and human papillomavirus. Shigella, hepatitis A, B, and C and Giardia intestinalis may be transmitted without sexual contact.

How to protect yourself from STIs

Because most of these infections are transmitted through sexual contact, it is essential to be cautious. Make sure you and your partner have been tested and practice safe sex. Also, if you have a history of STI’s, it makes it easier to get a new transmission. People who abuse drugs, alcohol, or use sexual enhancing drugs may be at a higher risk of contracting the infections.

To stay safe, you can abstain from sex. The alternative would be to watch porn (available on sites like XXX Tube 1) if you still need to engage in sexual activities. If you want to have real sex, try to stick to one partner, use condoms, and get vaccinated. Also, get tested regularly. If you have contracted HIV, although there is no cure, you can take drugs that suppress the virus, making you live a long and productive life. Always having control of your decisions regarding sex matters ensures that you do not make mistakes that may lead to infections.

If you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted infection, or your partner has one, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your doctor to learn more about sexually transmitted diseases.