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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Contraceptive

If you want to stay sexually active without getting pregnant, then you have to start looking for a reliable contraception method. Some commonly used contraceptives include condoms, sterilization, hormonal methods, and the use of intrauterine devices, among others. However, there is not a “best contraceptive” for everyone. People are different in behavior and opinion, and therefore, you have to work closely with your partner to settle for what is most effective and acceptable to both of you. A reliable Arlington OB/GYN can also help you in making this determination. Below are some of the factors that you should consider as you try to figure out the best contraception for you and check here if you are scared about your Sexual Health.

Affordability and Convenience

Different types of contraceptives offer different levels of convenience. This implies that they also cost differently. Some have to be used every time you have intercourse, while others can be used once every few years. Some are free, while others can cost a fortune. Depending on how organized you are, you can go for less expensive birth control methods such as male or female condoms or even daily pills. If you want more convenience, you may have to pay more for your birth control.

Other Benefits

Before you pick any birth control method, you have to ask yourself if it offers any other benefits in addition to preventing conception. For instance, some birth control methods can help to make your periods lighter and more predictable. Others, such as condoms, can help in protecting you from contracting sexually transmitted infections. Talk to your OB/GYN about the extra benefits that any given contraception can afford you.


If you plan to have children in the future, you have to ask yourself what effects any given contraceptive is going to have on your fertility. If a contraceptive has the potential to hurt your fertility irreversibly, you should avoid it if you plan to get pregnant in the future. If you are not sure, you can ask your OB/GYN.

Side Effects

Different individuals may have varied responses to various methods of birth control. Certain contraceptives, particularly those that affect estrogen and progesterone levels, can have side effects, some of which can be serious. Hence, it is crucial to prioritize the use of reliable and high-quality contraceptives during sexual intercourse to both prevent pregnancy and ensure safe sexual experiences. However, it’s important to note that there are alternative methods of achieving sexual pleasure without engaging in intercourse, such as self-stimulation activities like masturbation. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to facilitate this process, including erotic videos and live sex cams (available on platforms like Adult Cam Police), so that you can enjoy this process at its fullest.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that if you want to remain sexually active without getting pregnant, then there are a number of contraception methods that you can rely on to prevent yourself from conceiving. Contraceptives could be beneficial in serious or casual either types of relationships. For instance, you might have a long-term partner with whom you may discuss these things and decide on which type of method to use. Whereas, if you are using casual dating apps or fuck finder apps for hookups, you may opt for condoms even if you have an IUD or are on pills.

Moreover, you have to realize that although the aim of all contraceptives is similar, the truth is that your needs are different from those of other people. Therefore, the contraceptives that have worked for other people may not necessarily work for you. As a result, you have to do your due diligence and consult a reliable OB/GYN at Capital Women’s Care Division 67 to ensure that you get it right.