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What Does Functional Medicine Practice Address?

You have been suffering from a disease and none of the doctors you have seen for assistance has discovered its cause. You start wondering whether a curse or a spell was cast upon you. Just when you are about to give up, you find out something about functional medicine. You start wondering whether a Greenwich Village functional medicine doctor from Shift Wellness will put this nightmare to an end. Well, you can never know unless you try your luck. Read on to discover how this medical practice can be of benefit to you.

What is functional medical practice?

Functional medicine is all about biology-based plans devised to identify and address the root cause of a disease. Unlike a typical physician, functional doctors will assess each symptom or use differential diagnoses to determine what could be contributing to a patient’s illness.

For example, you can be diagnosed with arthritis after checking your joints, muscles, and nerves. Likewise, a cause such as inflammation of the joints can lead to many diagnoses, including arthritis. The accurate manifestation of each cause depends on the individual’s genetic facts, environment, and lifestyle. Only treatment designed for arthritis will give a lasting solution beyond symptom suppression.

What to expect during a consultation with a functional medicine doctor

A functional medicine consultation is designed to help your doctor understand you as a person. It has everything to do with listening to you and gathering your medical history. The information you provide is used to identify the root cause of your illness.

During the consultation, your physician will examine all aspects triggering your condition, including stress, poor nutrition, genetics, and lifestyle habits. That way, they can identify the triggers to tailor the best healthy living plan for you. This can only be achieved once the doctor addressed many aspects of your life including nutrition, exercise, sleep, and workplace conditions.

Why choose Shift Wellness?

Shift Wellness is a patient-centered care clinic with specialists that get to know you, not just your illness. They rely on a multi-disciplinary approach to support you throughout your journey to wellness. Here, you will meet providers specialized in different areas of medicine including nursing, general primary care, dietary, health fitness, and behavioral health therapy. Since this facility offers in-person and online appointments in both one-on-one and shared settings, you can rest assured that your medical history will be thoroughly reviewed before customizing a special plan for you. Granted, managing an online portal while also looking after clients can be challenging for clinics. But thanks to multidimensional third-party platforms like PatientNow ( that have a tonne of experience in handling ancillary responsibilities — scheduling, marketing and CRM to name a few — for varying degrees of practices, traditional and functional alike, patient needs and their satisfaction can be met with confidence.

Functional medicine is all you need to restore your wellbeing

When you combine a healthy lifestyle, good behavioral intentions, and the right nutrition, you end up with a functional community. But when an individual gets an infection that does not seem to go away even with other health interventions, getting a functional medicine provider could be the only solution to help restore your health. That way, the specialist can establish the root cause of their infections and develop the ideal medical plan. To learn more about functional medicine and how it contributes to your wellbeing, schedule a consultation with your medical practitioner.