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The Specialized Care You Need for a High-Risk Pregnancy

Every woman desires to have a baby through a natural process of pregnancy. However, not all pregnancies are smooth. There could be possible complications during the pregnancy that can affect both the mother and the baby. In such a case, pregnancy is referred to as high-risk. This kind of pregnancy requires proper management from a professional specialist to ensure the best outcomes. You can get specialized care from high-risk obstetrics in Providence at A. Michael Coppa, M.D.

How to Identify a High-risk Pregnancy

There are several reasons why pregnancy can be said to be high-risk. They include:

Existing medical conditions can present a risk for both the mother and the unborn baby. Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic infections, and problems associated with the lungs, kidney, or heart can be problematic during pregnancy. Please consult Dr. Coppa if you have any underlying health condition before deciding to become pregnant.

Maternal age is another risk factor for high-risk pregnancy. A healthy pregnancy age is between the age of 17 and 35. Anyone not in this age bracket is at a higher risk of complications. Also, high pregnancy risks such as genetic defects and miscarriage can be highly experienced after 40.

Other issues can arise out of the pregnancy itself. In this case, the pregnancy can be classified as high risk. The pregnancy-related complications may include premature labor, placenta previa, and carrying more than one baby. There could be other fetal problems associated with the baby’s structural development.

Treatments for High-risk Pregnancy

Fortunately, several resources can ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy. It is, therefore, advisable to seek medical attention as soon as you experience any suspicious changes. Moreover, when you experience cramping, vaginal bleeding, blurred vision, a decrease in fetal movements, and persistent headaches, you should report to the doctor.

Your general health should be monitored throughout your pregnancy to manage the condition. The baby’s development and health should also be put in check to understand your complications. At A. Michael Coppa, MD, Dr. Coppa uses several prenatal tests, including ultrasound and blood tests, to identify any problems. Several recommendations can be drawn from any problematic findings and can include several changes to your lifestyles.

For comprehensive care, frequent visits for ultrasound can also be recommended. This may become more frequent nearing your delivery, where weekly visits can be an option. Moreover, pregnancy care businesses such as Your Loving Choices offer ultrasound services and other benefits that can help you deliver a healthy baby and ensure your well-being as well. Regular checkups can allow effective monitoring to ensure you are safe. When choosing the medical staff around you, be sure they have experience with complicated pregnancies. Unfortunately, there are some instances where some medical professionals do not have experience with complicated pregnancies and issues can evolve. This is commonly referred to as malpractice. You can click here to learn about birth malpractice and what to be aware of.

How to Prevent Pregnancy Complications

There are different tips you can apply in your life to prevent high-risk pregnancy. This means that even though you may not have any existing condition, preconception appointments are necessary to prevent or reduce risks. It may also be a good idea to get in touch with a birth injuries lawyer, just in case you face any issues while or after giving birth to your baby. Some of the preventive measures include:

  • Proper immunizations
  • Having regular physical activities unless advised otherwise by your provider
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Avoiding drugs and substances such as alcohol and cigarettes except for medications from the doctor
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Taking a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid

Dr. Coppa, being a highly experienced OB/GYN, is accommodating and can offer you the care you need through a one-on-one consultation. Dr. Coppa cares for you throughout your pregnancy and through your birth process to ensure you are safe together with your baby. Even if you don’t have an underlying condition, Dr. Coppa encourages regular visits to ensure your general health and that of your unborn baby.