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Why You Should Go for Genetic Testing Before Pregnancy

Genes are made up of our DNA, and we inherit them from our parents. They regulate our body and how it grows. When you have normal genes, your body functions properly, but mutations can lead to diseases. Genetic testing is a necessary procedure to test for any changes in your body that may lead to an illness. If you plan to have a baby, it is essential to go for such a test to detect any genetic disease. Specialists of genetic testing in Winter Park at the Center for Reproductive Medicine offer genetic tests to ensure a successful pregnancy and your baby’s health is in a good state.

Why is genetic testing done?

Your doctor may recommend genetic testing for various reasons such as:

If you are pregnant and over 34 years of age; chromosomal disorders that affect the fetus are increased when the pregnant woman is over 34.

If you have had two or more miscarriages; severe problems with the fetus’s chromosomes can result in miscarriages. If miscarriages occur severally, it may indicate a problem with the genes.

If you have had a child with a genetic problem; although children with congenital disabilities do not mean they have issues with their genes, a congenital disability can occur due to exposure to toxins, infection, or trauma during birth. The cause may not be known, as some can occur due to a child’s cells’ problem.

If you have a family member with an inherited disease; some people can carry genes responsible for specific conditions even though they do not show such signs. Such people can easily pass 50% of the problem gene to their children.

If your other prenatal screening or fetal gender test showed a problem with your genes.

How is genetic testing carried out?

When you visit your doctor for genetic testing, the specialist may require a sample of your blood, amniotic fluid, skin, hair, or any tissue in your body. This is very similar if you go to a specific DNA testing clinic, after searching for “DNA testing near me“. The DNA is sourced in similar ways wherever you go for the treatment. After the sample is collected, it is taken to the laboratory, where specialists will monitor your chromosomes’ changes. If the test turns positive, more tests may be required to determine if the baby has the disorder. Before going for a genetic test, it is essential to understand the procedure, its importance, the disadvantages, and its consequences. You should therefore book an appointment with your doctor and discuss your issue.

What is the importance of a genetic test?

You will be less worried about being infected with a particular disease.

You will change your lifestyle to avoid the risk of certain diseases.

You will be able to know how to perform family planning.

You will receive treatment to prevent disease.

Your doctor will recommend how often you should visit the hospital for check-ups and treatment.

Do not take chances when thinking of becoming a parent; go for genetic testing to enhance your chances of bearing a healthy child. Before going for genetic testing, consult your doctor so that you may undergo genetic counseling. This will ensure that you get the guidance and the appropriate knowledge to help you during and after the procedure.