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How to Reduce Scar Formation


Over the course of your life you will often find yourself getting hurt and even needing operations that may cause you to develop scars. Most of the time these are just small little scars that are hardly noticeable, however, sometimes you can get some scars from large injuries or operations which may affect how you feel about yourself afterward. For example in a large procedure such as a BBL scars can form due to poor aftercare. Aftercare is important after a procedure as demonstrated before and after fluff fairy bbl and from following proper recovery guidelines, the difference can really affect how you look after having a procedure. Similarly, applying ointments are properly caring for your injury could completely alter your likelihood of having a large scar, once fully healed.

Scar Formation

Are you tired of trying to conceal scars? Understanding the process of scar formation and the time it takes for them to fade can greatly help in managing scars. Did you also know you have the natural ability to heal an injury to a full recovery? However, the healing process may leave a scar on the wound. You can influence the ability of a wound to heal and leave traces of a scar as opposed to forming a deep scar that may affect your confidence. Some scars from surgery may need specialized attention to help them disappear, but you can influence how small injuries heal and avoid scarification. If you live in Tucson, botox & fillers service(s) are available as well as other plastic surgery services where it’s important to minimize or eliminate any scaring with appropriate aftercare.

Keep the Wound Clean

When you get injured from sports, in the kitchen or a minor accident, the wounded area may become contaminated with germs from the occurrence. Take time to clean the wounded area and ensure it remains clean at all times. This reduces the germs and bacteria that attack the wound and will make healing occur faster and reduce the scar formed. It also reduces infection that causes the wound to grow rather than for the wound to heal.

Keep the Wound Moist

You may not be in a position to access antibacterial ointments, but you can access petroleum jelly with ease. Use the petroleum jelly on the wound to keep it moist rather than dry. When an injury becomes dry, it forms a scab that creates an even bigger scar. It also makes the wound heal at a slower pace and encourages scratching which increases the size of the wound, and thus, the scar formed after healing occurs.

Cover the Skin with Adhesive Tape

After cleaning the wound from any bacteria with plenty of water and applying petroleum jelly to keep it moist, you need to protect the area from infection. You can use adhesive tape or particular types of covers such as silicon, depending on the nature of the wound. The cover helps to prevent new bacteria from settling in the vulnerable and exposed skin, thus causing an infection. The wound heals faster when protected from further infections, and it manages the scar formed after healing.

Change the Cover Daily

When you apply a bandage on the wound, it covers the wounded area and may absorb some of the blood and fluids. The dressing is close to the external environment and traps any bacteria that may come from outside. When the bandage stays for too long, the fluids from the wound seep through the dressing and attract the bacteria. The bacteria gets an opportunity to reach the wound and cause an infection. The infection becomes worse when the bandage sticks to the wound, and you have to forcefully remove it and injure the wound further. The wound increases in size, and so does the scar formed after the healing process occurs.

Follow Doctor’s Advice

You may have received an injury that required stitching from a doctor. After getting the stitches done, the doctor provides you with medication and some ointments to apply with instruction. You should follow the instructions provided by the doctor to the letter to help avoid infections and spreading of the wound. It also helps to heal the wound faster and prevent big scarring.