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Oral Complications

You may have suffered from an oral complication that does not seem to go away. You visit your dentist and have a diagnosis done on your illness. The shock on you, the condition is severe, and the dentist recommends that you have that oral surgery. This is your first time; you book an appointment and have the procedure performed on you. After a few hours in operation, you wake up in the recovery room with your mouth and face all swollen and bandaged. The doctor assures you the procedure was successful, and all you have to do is rest, take some painkillers and wait for the healing. The exercise of healing appears simple but it is a process. If you do it right, you can heal within no time and get back to your routine. The Woodlands dental crowns provide crowning services and other oral health procedures to help restore your health. Book an appointment and experience the services geared towards providing quality and reliable healthcare. If you have undergone surgery and are in the healing process, the way you handle it will determine how fast you heal.

Take Some Rest

After the procedure is over and the doctor finds you fit to go home, you will be discharged from the hospital. The sedative that puts you to sleep during the operation wears off slowly. You may feel drowsy and should not drive yourself home. Get someone to take you back where you should take a rest. Do not engage in any strenuous activities with lots of movement and lifting. The blood clots remain tender, and bleeding can begin with a little disturbance. Elevate your head while resting or sleeping to help secure the wound.

Follow Your Doctor’s Guidelines

The doctor will provide instructions on how to take care of your oral hygiene as well as the healing wound. It could entail keeping away from using mouthwash or brushing your teeth to avoid causing an injury in the healing area. You might receive instruction to gurgle your mouth with salt water for some time. Do not fail to follow set guidelines to prevent infections from complicating the recovery process.

Use Ice to Bring Down the Swelling

After a jaw surgery is performed, you will have a swollen face from the recovering jaw area. You can apply some ice on the swollen part to help reduce it. Apply ice on the swell for a period of half an hour and then rest for another fifteen minutes before resuming the process. The swelling goes down after a maximum of three days. If the swelling persists, consult your oral surgeon for an investigation of a possible infection.

Control Bleeding

The incision area may have a blood clot that stops bleeding that may open the wound. Bleeding may occur for some time that you can regulate using the gauze. Gently press your teeth on the bandage to control the bleeding. However, if the bleeding persists, call your surgeon for direction.

Do not Disturb the Clot

The blood clot helps to prevent bleeding and allow for healing to take place undisturbed. Any activity such as chewy foods with extreme temperatures could uncover the lump. Indulgence in alcohol and smoking could also raise blood pressure and uncover the clot. Use soft foods such as yogurt and oatmeal. Regulate the pain you feel using the prescribed painkillers from your doctor.