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The Best Age to Freeze Your Eggs

Have you just embarked on your career journey, looking to find the right partner or starting a treatment plan that can negatively affect your fertility? Whatever your reason for family planning or fertility preservation may be, egg freezing is worth considering. At Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley, Fernando Otero, MD, and his team are ready to help you achieve your objective. Your best Edinburg, TX obstetrics provider, can help you know the best time to enhance your future chances of conceiving.

Below, we look at the contribution of the right timing in the success of cryopreservation.

The Younger You Are, The Better

Similar to many things in life, the earlier, the better when it comes to egg harvesting. Egg freezing allows you to play when your odds in ovulation are high. Upon reaching puberty, your body earnestly switches into reproductive mode. 

Let us look at some statistics to help you understand your fertility journey. At birth, your follicles contain about 1 million eggs, which is the highest in your life cycle. By the time you reach puberty, you are left with close to 300,000 eggs due to natural attrition. Out of this number, you will ovulate about 300 eggs during your entire reproductive years. During your 20s, you produce healthy and viable eggs, with the peak being when you hit 30. At 30, your chances of conceiving per every monthly cycle are 20%.

When you clock the 30s, your ovulation starts to decline since you are headed to menopause. Past the age of 35, the quality and number of your eggs drop significantly, and your chances of conceiving in every monthly cycle past 40 years are at 5%. Even though you can succeed in egg freezing past the age of 30, the chances are quite slim. The bottom line is, going for egg freezing during your youthful years provides an almost guaranteed success if you are in perfect health.

What is The Best Age for Egg Freezing?

Every woman has different considerations when thinking about building a family. However, if you are in your 20s or 30s, this is the best time to visit your doctor for egg harvesting and freezing. Your doctor will stimulate your ovaries using medication and be able to gather a sufficient number for cryopreservation.

If you are above 40 and would like to preserve your eggs for future use, cryopreservation is also available. At this point, egg freezing can make a whole difference since you will soon arrive at menopause. Your doctor will first run some tests to establish your ovarian reserve. If found to have an adequate amount, the eggs can be harvested and preserved. Egg freezing makes it possible for you to become a mother past menopause.

Deciding about family planning is not a light thing, more so when your option is not reversible. Do you have any concerns about egg freezing or would like to know if you are an ideal candidate? Schedule an appointment today with your doctor.