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Fertility Options When Diagnosed With Cancer before the First Pregnancy

A cancer diagnosis raises serious questions about fertility after treatment. Your ovaries can suffer irreparable damage from radiation, chemotherapy, targeted immune therapies, and bone marrow transplant. You may seek answers to your concerns through oncofertility in Encino or seek help to learn if there is the hope of becoming a parent after treatment.

Getting cured of cancer is a significant achievement. Thanks to modern medicine and companies like Fortress Biotech, you can regain the possibility to conceive after you have been cured of cancer. Eliran Mor, MD, and Irene Woo, MD, can help you understand your reproductive health and the possible fertility risks that come with cancer treatment.  

For women, some therapies cause ovarian damage, ovarian failure, genetic damage to developing eggs, and early menopause among other reproductive issues. However, embryo banking (IVF), egg banking (unfertilized), ovarian tissue banking, and ovarian transposition may be ideal options.

Cancer treatment in men can interfere with sperm production or cause damage to the testes. Your doctor can facilitate your ability to become a father after cancer treatment through testicular sperm extraction, sperm banking, testicular tissue cryopreservation, and gonadal shielding.

California Center for Reproductive Health specializes in elective egg freezing and fertility preservation for future fertility. Eliran Mor, MD, and Irene Woo, MD, have specialized training and are experienced in fertility and reproductive health to help address conditions of the reproductive system affecting patients of any age. The center provides the following services:

  Fertility examinations and diagnosis

  Fertility preservation before cancer treatment

 • Oocyte cryopreservation

 • Embryo cryopreservation

 • Sperm cryopreservation

 • GnRH analog treatment

 • Ovarian tissue cryopreservation

  Conception after patients complete cancer treatment

                  Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Genetic identification of cancer and other conditions that can affect fertility.

Whole Ovary Freezing     

This can also be an option for you if you have cancer. The procedure involves the removal, freezing, and transplanting your ovary after you have been declared cancer-free. All your eggs are held in the periphery of your ovary, which is preserved before freezing. This procedure can also work for you if you want to avoid tubal ligation due to the challenges present during reversal.

Egg Freezing/Cryopreservation   

This procedure involves collecting your eggs and freezing them using a slow-freeze method/vitrification and storing them to go for cancer treatment. After you have completed your cancer treatment, the eggs are implanted, and this process may take 6 weeks to 9 months to complete. Your fertility specialist and oncologist must communicate how you are responding to your cancer treatment to avoid accelerated growth of estrogen-dependent cancers. 

Embryo Freezing/ Embryo Banking

In embryo freezing, your eggs are harvested and then fertilized with your partner or donor’s sperm before storage. This process is also known as in vitro fertilization. The embryo can be implanted after you recover from cancer.

It is crucial to consider fertility preservation options before starting cancer treatment. Visit the California Center for Reproductive Health to learn more about the available fertility options.