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Care for your hair this summer

It is time to get your bikini out and head down to the beach. Before you luxuriate in the sun, sea, and surf, you need to do some work on your hair. The winter may bring dryness and the destructive power of the wind, but the summer comes with its own challenges for your do. With the combined effects of the sun, salt, humidity and chlorine, your hair is more likely than ever to feel the damage. With this in mind, it is essential that you adapt your routine, so you can take your best hair with you to the beach.

Cover up!

The best way to make sure your hair is protected is to wear a hat. The damage of direct sunlight, with the UV rays, is significant. Therefore, your best protection is with a covering. If you are not fond of hats and worry about the shadow creeping over your face, you can always use a stylish scarf instead

While your general well-being and hair are protected with a hat, you may want to let that hair flow free. If this is the case, you should opt to comb through a conditioner and leave it in. This conditioner will offer some protection with its coating that will stop split-ends and the general straw-like appearance.

Use treatments

A hair mask used once a week during the summer could do wonders for your hair. If your hair is thick or prone to dryness, you should probably use a hair mask as a pre-shampoo treatment before washing it each time. The alternative is to wait until you come back from holiday to counter the effects of the extremes of salt and sun. You can use a nourishing mask to return some of its condition.

There are some excellent treatments on the market. However, you may want to produce your own with avocado and olive oil. Crush the avocado and mix it to a paste with the oil. Brush this concoction through your hair with your fingers and leave it for a brief time. Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly after the treatment.


If all this sounds like too much, then you can just switch to a hydrating shampoo and conditioner instead.  The dryness of the air and the impact of the salt drains the fluid from the hair. If you are happy that your shampoo is the right one, you can supplement it with a pea-sized blob of hair serum or oil, which you should comb through your hair. The aim is to do all you can to revitalise your hair and give it a chance against the conditions.

Coldwater rinse

The biggest issue with holidays is the chlorine from the swimming pool – it is a killer to the condition of your hair, mainly if you use colour. Therefore, you should rinse your hair in cool water before you get in, and then again, you exit the pool. Your hair can only take up so much water – so if you shower before getting in, the freshwater offers some protection. You should then shower again afterwards to drain any residue from the hair.

When you are drying your hair after being in the pool, it is also a good idea to pat it dry with a towel rather than rubbing it. If your hair is already under stress from heat, the rubbing will cause frizz.

Cut out the heat

The last thing you want to do to straw-like hair is add more heat to the mix. The problem when we holiday is that we want to glam ourselves up on an evening too. However, the tongs and the straighteners may be the worst thing you can do for your hair. Instead, you should consider using salt sprays and other natural texturising strategies to avoid this. If you have to, you should use a heat protection spray to prevent damage.

Regular trims

Your hair salon should be a regular stop off for you through the summer. First, you will need a regular trim to keep the split ends at bay. It is such a simple strategy for managing the look of your hair, but the most effective. Your stylist will also offer advanced conditioning treatments that can resurrect the most damaged hair!


The summer can be pretty hard on your hair. Humidity, UV light, heat, salt and chlorine all play a role in drying out and damaging your hair. If you can make the effort to nourish and hydrate it, then you’ll be able to keep bouncy, shiny tresses all through the summer months.