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Simple Ways to Transform Your Garden this Year

If you’re lucky enough to have a back garden, it’s important to make the most of it when the warmer months come around. However, it’s not uncommon for outdoor spaces to become unloved and in need of some TLC after the winter season has passed. If this sounds familiar, there are many tips and tricks you could think about on how to transform your garden this year – some are extremely cost-effective hacks that you may never have considered before but could make an immense difference. Take a look at some simple ways to give your garden a new lease of life by usiong the best Direct Cleaning Group this summer:

1. Add a studio

If you have space, building a garden studio or office can add incredible value to your home. You’re essentially adding a whole room to the house, which is even better if you can get electricity and water to it (consider solar panels to power lights and water butts to flush a toilet). A guest house shed can also provide another bedroom for when you have family or friends around to visit, so the possibilities are endless.

2. Get spring cleaning

After the autumn and winter, your garden will need a thorough tidy-up, so you have a fresh base to work on when the warmer weather comes around. As well as cleaning up leaves and debris from the lawns and patio area, ensure you dig up weeds and dead plants. Your decking and paved areas may also benefit from jet-washing to achieve a more polished look.

3. Add wildflowers

Bedding plants require a great deal of maintenance, and you may not have the time for the upkeep. However, wild plants are a great alternative for adding a pop of color to pots and borders without needing to be watered day and night. It would, however, be advisable to surround wildflowers with stones to prevent them from spreading out of control within your garden.

4. Create a relaxation corner

A garden is somewhere you can completely switch off and recharge your batteries, but this isn’t necessarily the case when you have small children playing. In this case, focus on creating a quiet zone for some ‘me’ time to create a sense of tranquility. You could position a bench in a secluded corner and perhaps even invest in hot tubs UK companies like Miami Spas have to allow you to relieve your stresses and even improve your general wellbeing.

5. Turn your decking into a sitting room

Since the lockdown where you were unable to leave your home, people have been aiming to make the most of their garden by revamping their outdoor space as another ‘room’ and appreciating their garden in its full glory. If you have an unused decking area, you could consider turning it into a sitting room, complete with sofas, a drinks table, a rug, and a log burner as a place to entertain guests or simply relax. Install a canopy or umbrella over the decking to protect the furniture in rain showers.

6. Refurbish a shed

If you have an old and unused shed at the bottom of the garden, you could consider making it a feature of your garden by carrying out a renovation project. You could simply give it a lick of paint in a bright color and perhaps even turn it into a summer house or workshop as a place to escape from the chaos of the main home. In doing so, you’ll be more at one with nature and can fully appreciate your garden what better way than to refurb with Nordic style outdoor porcelain tiles.

Guide created by Bird-X, a bird control company