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Tips for Air Travel with Children

We all know how travelling with kids can be stressful, even at the best of times, and air travel presents another set of obstacles, what with checking in, passport control and customs, to name but a few. If you are soon to be flying with young children, here are a few tips to ensure that all goes well.

  • Arrive at the Airport in Good Time – Negotiating a busy airport with kids in tow is difficult enough without adding time constraints, so make sure you arrive at the airport in good time. If traffic is unpredictable, plan for the worst-case scenario – which might mean an extra hour to kill at the airport – to ensure that you can check-in with time to spare.
  • Digital Games – While we are all aware that our kids spend too much time glued to their devices, there are times when they are useful, and this is one. During waiting times, which can be lengthy, have a device for your child and bring it out, as this will ensure they are engaged on the spot and will not wander around. A game will also be useful during the flight, when young kids tends to get bored, and even with cartoons on the media, having your child’s device at hand is never a bad idea when flying.
  • Travel Bags – Whether travelling with or without children, it is essential to have good quality travel bags, and if you have a young child with you, take a small shoulder bag that can contain wipes, tissues and other essentials that you might need. Check out the great selection of Alpaka Gear travel bags, slings and backpacks that are designed for air travel, where you can order the perfect anti-theft bag for your valuables, plus a small bag for child essentials.
  • Engage the Flight Attendant – If your child is under 5, it is wise to introduce yourself to your flight attendant, as they can prove to be invaluable in some cases. Once he or she knows, they will never be far away and are often happy to engage a child for a while, so do make friends with the attendants, who are there to help.
  • The Importance of Stimulation – Once on the aircraft, the big challenge is to keep your child in their seat, and as we all know, this can be next to impossible, and on a long-haul flight, it will stretch your story-telling abilities. You will need several avenues to keep your child engaged, and as you know him or her better than anyone, choosing things won’t be an issue.

When a child becomes loud and displays bad behaviour on an aircraft, this is a terrible feeling for the parent, embarrassed at causing a problem, but if it does happen, you are best to put on your optimistic hat and smile. Some parents will engage their child in some physical activity prior to flying, making sure they are well-fed, not that we are recommending you do that, but knowing your child as you do, prepare as best you can and hopefully, all will be well.