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How Acupuncture Can Improve Your Life’s Quality

Many medical complications cause painful symptoms disrupting your quality of life. Although some medications can be used to relieve your painful condition, you might want to go for a drug-free approach. Fortunately, Michael Martinex, DC, of Arkansas Regenerative Medical Center offers acupuncture in Fayetteville and can help you. This is an ancient Chinese remedy involving the insertion of needles to certain paining areas of your body to offer relief, and it is completely painless. The treatment procedure can improve your life’s quality in different ways, as outlined below. 

Your Mood is Enhanced

Some conditions can cause both physical pain and emotional complications such as depression and fluctuated mood. Although some medications can offer pain relief, you may still need help with your mood. Acupuncture can offer significant relief for your mood as the application of needles in the treatment area can stimulate your central nervous system to release endorphins and other chemicals responsible for lifting your mood. This will help you think positively, helping your body to respond to treatment effectively.

You Get Better Sleep

Acupuncture not only improves your symptoms but can also improve your sleep quality. During your treatment, melatonin production, the hormone responsible for your sleep-wake cycles, is boosted. Today, sleep disorders are common due to poor sleeping habits and a modern lifestyle that causes underproduction of the hormone. Therefore, if conditions such as insomnia have lowered your quality of life, acupuncture can restore your ability to fall and remain asleep easily. Additionally, employing a product like a sleep mask that can block light effectively can also aid the results acquired through acupuncture. These masks are lightweight, available in various sizes and materials, and can improve REM sleep patterns.

It Relieves Headaches

Headaches and migraines are common conditions that you can encounter often. These complications can be painful, affecting your ability to carry out your daily activities and lead a quality life. The acupuncture treatment procedure involves placing needles targeting specific nerves, hence offering a wonderful pain-reduction effect. As mentioned earlier, it stimulates the production of endorphins that will help eliminate the feeling of discomfort, giving you a breakthrough in your recurring headaches and migraines.

It Offers Support to Your Immune System

Today’s lifestyle poses more challenges to the immune history than ever noted. Since your immune system is your body’s first defense line, it is critical to maintaining optimal and effective functioning. Through acupuncture treatment, your immune system is strengthened to fight back infections, other hazards, and speed up healing. Besides, acupuncture can balance your immune system’s function as it can cause various autoimmune complications when it is overactive.

Digestive System Improvement

Acupuncture supports the healthy functioning of your digestive system and rebalances potential defective energetic fields. Hence, it can manage virtually all digestive systems and organ related complications. Whether you are suffering from acute or mild gastrointestinal issues, severe complications such as inflammatory bowel disease, or Crohn’s Disease, you can benefit from acupuncture to lead a quality life.

Blood Pressure Control

Acupuncture can be performed to promote healthy heart function, improving blood flow. This can outperform some medical alternatives that cause several unwanted side effects. However, you will require several regular treatments to achieve optimal functioning in the cardiovascular system. This will cause low blood pressure, heart muscle effectiveness, and overall cardiac fitness.

Indeed, acupuncture can help you lead a quality life in the ways mentioned earlier. Contact Dr. Martinez to learn more about the treatment option and learn if it is right for you.