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Practical Gifts for Your College Student

College is an exciting time in both your child’s life and in yours. While students have a list of things to purchase for their classes, dorm rooms, and apartments, there are some essential items that shouldn’t be skimped on. Whether they are new to college or have already been in college for years, there are 5 practical gifts they could use at all times. No matter how long your child has been in college, they should have a high-quality laptop, a heavy-duty backpack, an LED flashlight, a self-defense tool, and a portable charger. Having most of (if not all of) the items listed below can be a huge game-changer for your children whether they are far away or nearby for school. Gifting those essential items to your college student will ensure they have adequate academic and safety equipment so they can tackle anything that comes their way. After you have got all of these things for your new student, you may want to go to the sentimental side and gift them something related to their college from websites like Jostens to help them feel happy with their chosen school.

High Quality Laptop

Having a high-quality laptop, from companies like, is an essential item every college student should have. While you can cut costs in other ways like on dorm decor or even on used books, buying a nice laptop is practically a necessity. Nothing is worse than providing your college student with an old, cheap laptop that won’t last one semester. A new laptop can make a world of difference for your college student academically. Rather than worrying about when their laptop will die or if they’ll lose valuable information from classes, they will be more focused on their studies. Additionally, buying them an exceptionally nice laptop will not only help them in their schooling but it is also a long-term investment. High functioning laptops like MacBook pros or MacBook airs can last for years so your child will have years of use even after college.

Heavy-Duty Backpack

A practical gift that goes hand in hand with a high-quality laptop is a heavy-duty backpack. Your soon-to-be college student (or current college student) needs something durable, protective, and reliable to carry their valuables in. While a standard backpack may initially seem like a good idea to cut costs, it will be much more convenient for your child to have something they can carry their things in with ease. Do you think a cheap $15 bag will be able to carry around a big stack of books while also keeping their expensive technology safe from everyday wear and tear? The answer is no. College students need a great backpack they can count on that can safely carry around their laptop, planners, books, and more. Instead of giving an empty backpack, consider adding some smaller gifts in there. You could also collect a few of their older, memorable shirts, and get some t-shirt blankets made. This can be a great add-on gift for those snowy days on campus!

LED Flashlight

Another great gift that you should get your kid for college is a durable LED flashlight. While this may not seem like the most exciting gift to your college student, it is an incredibly important asset they should have if they are leaving home. Having a reliable LED flashlight can come in handy for a number of reasons. With college comes the unknown. Whether their dorm or apartment experiences a power outage, they are out late at night, or their car starts having problems, having an ultra-bright flashlight can make a world of difference.

Not only can a bright light give them better peace of mind in the dark, but it can serve as a safety device for them as well. Most high-quality, high lumen, or tactical LED flashlights come with life-saving features like SOS and strobe mode in case of emergencies. These bright lighting modes can help notify people of your whereabouts and even temporarily blind an attacker.

Self Defense Tool

Arguably the most important item you should get your college student is a self-defense tool. This is commonly something like pepper spray, a pocket knife, a whistle, etc. Providing your responsible student with one of the defense tools listed above will provide them with some sort of protection for when they are on their own. Set them up for success and give them the best chance if they ever find themselves in an unthinkable situation. This practical gift will give them something to defend themselves with while giving you a peace of mind while they are away.

Portable Charger

The final essential item you should get your kid to prepare them for college is a portable charger. Not only is this a very practical gift, but it is one of the gifts on this list they will love the most. Because electronics are the way of the world, having a dead phone or laptop seems like the end of the world, so your college student will appreciate this immediate power source for their devices. Having a portable charger isn’t just for their amusement though. A portable charger is a device to ensure your child always has a power source if they find themselves in a pinch. If they forgot to charge their phone the night before or have a late night out, having power for their devices gives them a better chance of getting home safely as well as helping them with their tasks throughout the day.

Gifts Every College Student Needs

These practical gift ideas are some of the best items you could get for your college student. Whether they are just leaving for college or entering another year, it’s always the right time to get them one of these gifts if they don’t already have them. All of these items will set your child up for success, safety, and reduced stress. Gifting them a high-quality laptop, a heavy-duty backpack, a high-performing LED flashlight, a self-defense tool, and a portable charger will set them up with 5 essential items they need throughout their college years. Whether it is for a birthday, holiday, or no special event at all, gift one of these essential items to your college student today.