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3 Signs That Your Home’s Foundation Is Progressively Getting More Unstable

Everyone wants to feel like the place they call home is safe for them. And when you have a family and a house full of kids, this need for safety becomes even more vital. But for many families living in older or even newer homes, hidden issues around the property could be causing the home to be less safe than you’d like. Luckily, there are signs that you can look out for to help you know if and when renovations need to be done to make your home safer, especially when it comes to your foundation.

To help you in determining this, here are three signs that your home’s foundation is progressively getting more unstable

Large Cracks In Drywall Or Exterior Walls

All homes are going to shift and settle. And when this happens, it’s natural that some small cracks will form around the property. However, what isn’t normal is to have large cracks.

When you start to notice larger cracks that appear in your drywall or in the exterior walls of your home, this might be something that you need to get looked at by a professional. Especially if you start to notice that these cracks started out smaller but are continuing to grow and expand around more of the walls, this could be a bad sign for the state of your foundation. 

Sinking Floors

As your house settles, a little bit of shifting or tilting is common. But when you don’t want to see is a floor that appears to actually be sinking.

A few smaller signs that your floors could be sinking include things like having issues with your doors and windows. If you find that your doors and windows start to stick, either having a hard time opening or closing, this could indicate that the floors of your home are sinking and that the foundation is too unstable to support the structure as it should. 

More and More Water Collecting Around The Home

Water can be the cause for a lot of problems around your home, from mold and mildew buildup to exacerbating problems with your foundation. Because of this, homes are built with drainage systems that are meant to funnel water away from the home. But if you start to see that water is collecting around your home, this could be a sign that your drainage isn’t being moved like it should and that big problems could quickly start to appear with your foundation, especially if temperatures start to drop and the water begins to freeze as it gets into smaller cracks in your foundation. 

If you have wondered about the stability of your home’s foundation and have noticed any of the above-mentioned things taking place, consider calling in a professional to help you determine what your next steps should be. 

Infographic created by Foundation Repair Services, Reliable Foundation Repair Charlotte, NC