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Pros and Cons of Breast Lift

For most women, breasts are a symbol of femininity and beauty. But, the shape of breasts is susceptible to change due to issues such as weight loss, aging, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. This means that over the years, breasts are likely to lose density and consequently sag. Unfortunately, this can negatively change a woman’s overall contour and make her look older than she really is. It is, therefore, not a surprise that a lot of women choose to have breast lift surgery. However, although many people have already heard about breast lift, very few understand what the procedure entails. Before you consider going for a West Palm Beach breast lift, there are some pros and cons that you ought to consider.

Pros of Breast Lift

There are two main types of breast lift: simple breast lift and breast lift with implants. Whichever type of breast lift you choose; there are a number of benefits that you can expect. Some of them include:


Whether you choose to go for a breast lift with implants or a simple breast lift, you can expect the procedure to effectively lift your breasts and improve their shape, size, and volume. By the end of it all, you will get a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Confidence Boost

In addition to being an aesthetic nuisance, sagging breasts can significantly affect a woman’s emotional well-being. This is because a lot of women with sagging breasts tend to think that they don’t look good enough. As a result, sagging breasts can negatively affect a woman’s self-esteem and confidence. Through a breast lift procedure, the youthful appearance of a woman’s breasts can be restored and this can go a long way in boosting her confidence.


Breast lift procedures are convenient at many different levels. For instance, the procedure takes less than four hours and it does not require a patient to stay at the hospital overnight. Besides, it is usually done under general anesthesia meaning that you will not experience any pain during the procedure.

Cons of Breast Lift

Like any other cosmetic procedure, a breast lift is not without some cons. For instance, the procedure involves surgery and therefore, it is associated with risks such as reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, pain, infections, blood clots, scarring, and other general risks of surgery. The procedure can also lead to problems such as loss of breast sensitivity. Besides, although the procedure takes a short amount of time to perform, it can take up to three months to heal.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that if you have sagging breasts and this is bothering you, then you can consider getting a breast lift surgery. The procedure can ensure that your breasts regain their youthful appearance. As such, it will improve your overall contour and consequently boost your self-worth. However, the procedure is also associated with some risks that you should consider before making your decision. If you are looking for a reliable plastic surgeon offering breast lift surgery in West Palm Beach, L.A. Vinas M.D. Plastic Surgery is an excellent facility to consider. Feel free to visit or contact them today for more information about the services that they offer.