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Improve Your Confidence with Dental Implants

Poor Dental Hygiene

Gum disease and tooth decay can be the result of not taking care of your teeth, and can even lead to losing them completely. Often, when teeth are lost, a person’s self-esteem is severely damaged. This can result in anxiety when it comes to socialising, and depression in general. A study done between 1970 and 1970 also found a correlation between cardiovascular diseases and death.

Physical ailments can include deterioration to the jawbone, additional decay to neighboring teeth and realignment of remaining teeth and of the jawline.

Smiling Can Improves Overall Wellbeing

Teeth are one of the first things that anyone notices about us when we meet them and they can also be among the most memorable traits. About one-third of the UK population is unhappy with their smile and they cover their mouth when they feel a smile coming on. One of the results from this has been an increase in orthodontic procedures, with more people aspiring to have perfect teeth.

And, seeing a dentist is a great decision. There are multiple benefits associated with smiling:

  • Smiling boosts the immune system
  • Smiling elevates our mood (by releasing transmitters like dopamine and serotonin)
  • Smiling is contagious
  • Smiling keeps you in a positive frame of mind
  • Smiling lowers blood pressure
  • Smiling makes one more attractive
  • Smiling makes us feel better (by releasing endorphins and natural painkillers)
  • Smiling makes you appear more confident
  • Smiling makes you look younger (it lifts facial muscles)
  • Smiling reduces stress

Dental Implants

There is no reason to live with low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression because of poor dental health. Despite the effects of missing teeth on your self-image, you should know that it is a rather common problem faced by people. And this problem can be taken care of by simply consulting a San Tan Valley Dentist (should that be a place of your residence) to find the right size and schedule an appointment to start a transplant procedure.

The procedure would provide teeth above the gum line, and also a post in the jawbone for added structure. The process from start to finish takes about 3 to 4 months.

A titanium post is placed into the jaw bone. It is left there and allowed to acclimate to the body and jawbone for about 3 to 4 months until the healing process is completed. After that, a final visit is scheduled to place a permanent crown into the post.

Sedation and local anesthetics are used, thereby making it a painless procedure. Often times, patients prefer to return to work on the same day the dental implant is installed. Others prefer to return to work the day after.

Dental implants provide stability for the neighboring teeth. Unlike dentures, with dental implants you can eat, drink, and otherwise act as if you have natural teeth.

People that suffered from embarrassment and anxiety over poor dental health can begin to restore their confidence when interacting with co-workers and others. As that confidence grows, self-esteem is improved and people are given another chance to work on missed promotional opportunities, increase social-networking and build professional and other personal relationships 

If you are in South Wales, you can get dental implants in Cardiff, at the Holmes Dental Care dentistry in Whitchurch. Call 029 2061 7703 for more information or to book an appointment.