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Laparoscopic Procedure: An Effective Way to Eliminate a Hernia

Hernias are hardly noticeable and can improve without invasive surgical procedures. However, there are cases when hernias can cause unbearable discomfort and pain, hindering you from carrying out your activities. Such cases require immediate medical attention. Your Gillette hernia surgery specialists at Wyoming Medical Associates offer slightly invasive hernia treatments using laparoscopy to prevent reoccurrence, enabling you to resume your day-to-day activities effectively. 

Types of hernia

A hernia happens when a section of the internal organ squeezes through an opening into other body parts. There are several forms of hernias, including:

Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia develops when the higher part of your abdomen protrudes through the hiatus in your diaphragm. Symptoms of a hiatal hernia are rarely noticeable. You may be living with a hernia unknowingly, and it can only be detected when your doctor is diagnosing a different condition. A minor hernia is not likely to cause any complications. On the other hand, a large hernia is a cause of concern and may require surgical treatment.

Ventral hernia

A ventral hernia develops when tissues bulge through an opening in your abdomen. Most of them are referred to as incisional hernias since they develop during previous surgical procedures. The weak stomach muscles allow the intestinal tissues to bulge out.

Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernias occur when parts of your intestinal muscles protrude through the weak muscles of the inguinal canal. This bulge can result in pain when lifting a heavy item or when bending over. An inguinal hernia is not usually a cause of alarm; however, if left unattended to it can cause dangerous complications that can be life-threatening. If the hernia continues enlarging, leading to interference with bowel movements or disruption in the intestinal blood circulation, your doctor may recommend surgery.

 What are the common symptoms of a hernia?

Ventral and inguinal hernias are usually a visible bulge underneath your skin that causes discomfort or pain whenever you stand and improves when you recline. Hiatal hernias are not as noticeable as inguinal hernias since they do not occur close to the surface. The most commonly experienced symptom of hiatal hernia is heartburn. Hernias may not cause any symptoms, and some people only highlight slight symptoms.

 What should you expect during a hernia surgery?

The skilled team at Wyoming Medical Associates utilizes slightly invasive procedures to treat a hernia. They create tiny incisions and introduce a laparoscope. The laparoscope’s camera conveys pictures of the hernia to a screen for your doctor to mend the hernia with minimal incisions. Your surgeon uses the laparoscope pictures to guide surgical devices that restore the hernia to its right position and seal the gap. Your doctor may complete the procedure with mesh to prevent the reoccurrence of the hernia.

In case you notice a lump on your stomach, groin, or experience severe acid reflux that regular medications cannot ease, you may require a surgical procedure. For professional advice or treatment, make an online appointment at Wyoming Medical Associates to start your journey to healing.