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How to Reduce Your Water Bill at Home

Water consumption is something that everybody should be aware of. If you use a lot of water at home, not only will your water bill be high, but you’ll also be wasting a precious commodity that’s essential to life all around the world. When it comes to measuring or reducing the amount of water you consume, you can be left easily confused. Sometimes it may be hard to tell whether you should potentially find a trusted plumbing company or speak directly to your water supplier to possibly find a solution for reducing your water intake. If you want to reduce your water bill, here are seven simple things you can do to make sure you’re not wasting H2O.

1. Check and Repair Leaks 

The first thing you should do is to check for and repair any leaks you may have. Leaky taps or pipes can lead to huge quantities of wasted water, so get in touch with plumbers Stafford to repair the leaks in your home.

2. Have a Low-Flow Shower Instead of a Bath

The average bathtub holds around 75 litres of water when filled only one-third of the way up, so you’re probably using at least that amount of water each time you go for a soak. Instead of taking a bath every day, install a low-flow showerhead into your shower and hop in.

3. Use the Dishwasher

This may seem counterproductive, but modern dishwashers are actually better for saving water than washing up by hand, so opt for the machine option rather than handwashing whenever possible. Make sure you fill the dishwasher up completely before running it and use an eco-friendly setting if it has one.

4. Reuse Water

If you do opt for a bath or to wash up by hand, you can always repurpose this water to flush the toilet, water your plants or wash your car. Think creatively and avoid throwing water away wherever you can. You could set up a specific container to hold your used water and make this your first port of call when you need some water that’s not for drinking.

5. Wash Your Clothes Less Often

Washing your clothes more often than needed is a sure-fire way to waste water, and it’s also likely to damage your clothes. Clothes like jeans and trousers in particular don’t need washing after every wear. In fact, the CEO of famous jeans brand Levi’s has repeatedly stated that you should never wash your jeans.

Remember that it’s possible to spot-clean clothes if you get a stain or a mark on them – they don’t need to go through the wash every time. 

6. Turn Off the Tap When Brushing Your Teeth

This is a tip that most people already know, but it’s surprisingly common for people to keep the tap running while they brush their teeth. This uses up to 6 litres of water every minute. Turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can make a huge difference to your water bill over time, as you could save 12 litres per person per day.

7. Collect Rainwater

If you have a garden, why not set up a water butt to gather and store rainwater? This will provide you with a year-round water source that you can use to water your plants and wash your car. Rainwater is usually much healthier for plants than tap water, so you’ll also have the bonus of a fresh and beautiful garden.

These are just a few quick and easy ways to save water at home to help you reduce your water bill. Try them to see how much water – and money – you could save.