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Does Hormone Therapy Make a Difference?

Have you ever thought of getting a Napa Hormone Therapy? Most likely, you have, or you are just about to go there. Indeed, your gynecological health is one of the most important things you will need to pay attention to. If you don’t do so, you might end up in both financial and health crises in the long run.

As they say, knowledge is power. Perhaps, we should take a look at what hormone therapy involves and whether it will have any significant impact on your life. That is, undoubtedly, going to give you the satisfaction you need.

Mostly, hormonal therapy will come in two forms. You will need to choose between vaginal products and systemic hormone therapy. The former aims at treating urinary symptoms of menopause, while the latter comes in handy for almost all the other signs. Most experts will recommend a blend of estrogen and progestin, as this assures you of remarkable results in the long run.

You will also witness that cyclical therapy is slowly becoming popular. It usually mimics your normal menstrual cycle.

 Signs that you need Hormone Therapy

Various symptoms go into proving that hormone therapy is what you need. Once you start witnessing these signs, it will be vital for you to consider the services of a reliable expert. Some of the top signs you might get will often include the following.

  • A relatively drier skin
  • Thinning hair
  • Significant reduction in your sex drive or desire
  • Gradual decline or end of your menstrual cycles
  • Enhanced vulnerability to moodiness and depression
  • Inability to lose weight despite maintaining a healthy routine
  • Decreased muscle strength, accompanied by joint pain

While you might not experience all these symptoms, a change in your body will often be indicative of such a need. Take the time to visit a medical expert to confirm whether it is time for you to consider this treatment.

 Why you need hormonal therapy

Hormone therapy draws a variety of benefits, which include the following:

  • This therapy comes in handy in cushioning you against vaginal issues. Whether you have vaginal dryness of vulvar atrophy, there will be no reason for you to worry anymore
  • This therapy ensures that you do not become vulnerable to menopause symptoms. From hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and chills, to excessive sweating, this therapy will address them all.
  • With this therapy, you will comfortably address ovary issues, including the removal or failure of your ovaries
  • Did you know that this therapy will be vital in protecting and strengthening your bones? Usually, it will come in handy in protecting you against conditions such as osteoporosis.
  • You will also be sure of better sleep, lesser anxieties, and protection against depression

Are there any risks?

Indeed, there are a few risks that one could face once they undergo the procedure. While these risks are not prevalent, it will suffice to mention them. Endometrial cancer, blood clots, and stroke could be witnessed among a few women. However, this procedure remains to be one of the safest.

 As you look forward to getting the best medical attention, this therapy should be on the table. It should be a priority as you head towards menopause. Dr. John H. Kirk will be worth relying on at this time.