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Dealing with Chronic Issues with Holistic Medicine Approaches

Chronic complications kill so many people in the United States. The best way to deal with them is by having a close partnership with a medical center. Diagnosis of chronic issues early can help prevent complications associated with them. A robust collaboration with medical practitioners reduces the risk of premature death significantly. Save your life today with HippoMed Wellness Clinics, chronic care services.

What is the meaning of chronic care?

Chronic problems affect people of all ages and genders. Care services will help identify, diagnose, and manage the issue to prevent it from reaching a deadly stage. They may recommend certain hollistic treatments or advise treatments you have questions about, such as if cannabis may treat fatigue. The most common chronic diseases that affect people include:

Chronic fatigue

Asthma and allergies



High cholesterol

High blood pressure


Hormonal Issues

Thyroid imbalances


Many clinics like Dr. Jenks can also offer cancer-screening services to help avoid advanced-stage cancers that have greater chances of killing you. Additionally, your doctor can offer coordination services while you see other specialists for treatment.

What benefits do you get from chronic care?

Early detection of diseases is the first point of taking charge of your health. Consequently, with frequent screening, you will cut down the chances of developing severe complications. Therefore, you have an opportunity to live longer with chronic care services, as with poor health, you can never accomplish many things. Control the type of life you want to live with a chronic care session.

How does a doctor detect your chronic issues?

Your doctor will carry out a basic to advanced medical analysis of your body. With experience and knowledge, you will know if you are fit for a chronic care session. Issues focused on in any screening session include:

Blood pressure checks



Vital signs all over the body

General tests often lead to other specific tests to determine the exact chronic issues in your system. Your doctor will recommend other specific tests to help you know the exact chronic issue that needs care. You will receive a series of questions from Dr. Jenks that help discover a chronic issue in your body systems. Additionally, you will receive essential recommendations including lifestyle changes to help you avoid chronic problems.

Blood tests, allergy tests, and urine tests are also imperative in determining the type of underlying issue in your system. Urine and blood tests help identify STDs, while an electrocardiogram (EKG) helps identify your cardiovascular system issues.

What options exist for the treatment of chronic issues?

Various factors come into consideration when deciding the right treatment for you. Your doctor will check your medical history and lifestyle to match you with your chronic issue’s right treatment. Holistic approaches and modern medicines also form an intricate part of the care program –there seems to be a plethora of scientific posters (perhaps printed with the help of Creative Media Works- click here to learn more) explaining how they work. Hence, there is no need to be concerned about the efficacy of holistic approaches. Your doctor will likely recommend:


Birth control medications

Hormonal replacement treatments

Nutritional Changes

Medical prescriptions

Find that underlying medical issue in your system with the help of Michael Jenks, MD, located in Dallas, TX. You will reduce your chances of early death considerably. Reach the center through a phone call to the facility.