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Essential Facts About Anxiety

It is normal to feel nervous when you first meet new people or have a new job, but if the fears affect your daily life, you are suffering from anxiety. Anxiety is a natural way your body responds to stress. If your anxiety and feelings are life-threatening, last over six years, and are distracting your life, you can have an anxiety disorder. Jacksonville anxiety is treated by a team with the most advanced skills. For a consultation, book an appointment today.

What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety is an emotion. It is a way in which your brain reacts to stress and alerting you of possible danger ahead. Everyone feels anxious from time to time. You can worry when making an important decision, before taking a test, or when facing a problem at work.

At some point, anxiety is normal, but anxiety disorders are much different. They are mental illnesses causing overwhelming and constant fear and anxiety. Excessive fear and anxiety can make you avoid work, school, social situations, or family gatherings that might worsen or trigger your symptoms.

Anxiety disorders are major emotional disorders and can affect anyone at any age. Research has shown that women are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety, but with treatment, people can manage their feelings.

Diagnosis of anxiety disorders

If you have anxiety symptoms, your doctor examines you and enquires about your medical history. They can run tests to determine other health conditions that can be causing your symptoms. There are no lab tests that can diagnose anxiety disorders.

If doctors don’t find any physical cause for what you feel, they can send you to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a mental health specialist. Those doctors ask questions and use tests and tools to determine if you have anxiety disorders. To help manage your symptoms, you may then be referred to a counseling service such as Citron Hennessey who offer online therapy. They can show you how to understand your triggers, manage your thought processes as well as learn techniques that will help you to prevent anxiety attacks in the future. What hard is that many people with anxiety don’t seek help because they don’t realize they have an illness with promising treatments, such as medical marijuana (more on that below) used with paraphernalia like a tornado bong, pipe, gummies, etc. to help ease that anxiety.

Your doctors consider how long you’ve had the symptoms and how strong they are when diagnosing you. It is good to let your doctors know if your anxiety makes it difficult to complete or enjoy everyday tasks at school, work, or home.

Anxiety disorders might be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. There are of course alternative therapies out there. For example, many people have found success by using marijuana products to help them to manage their symptoms of anxiety. Companies such as Amuse offer a delivery service of marijuana products for those people whose anxiety leaves them unable to house. It’s important to note that what works for one person might not work for another which is why it’s always best to speak to a medical professional before trying a new treatment. Most people who are suffering from a mild anxiety disorder decide to keep the condition to themselves instead of seeking treatment but it’s important to keep in mind that anxiety can be managed, even in severe cases.

When does anxiety need treatment?

When a person faces worrying or harmful triggers, feelings of anxiety are necessary for survival. The approach of incoming danger and predators allows evasive reaction and sets off an alarm in the body. These alarms are noticeable when you sweat, have a raised heartbeat, and high sensitivity to the surroundings.

For many people, running from imminent danger is of less concern than it would have been for early humans. During a difficult situation or before an important event, a nervous feeling is a natural echo of a fight or flight reaction.

The most important thing to remember is that you can learn how to manage your anxiety as it isn’t something that goes away on its own. Once you have found the best treatment for you, then you can enjoy living a healthy, happy life.