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Here is Everything You Need to Know about Leg Swelling

Leg swelling is a prevalent condition that results from the fluid collection in the tissues. If you experience painful or chronic leg swelling, contact your specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Suppose you seek Warner Robins leg swelling services, partner with Middle Georgia Vascular Surgery Center & Vein Solutions to benefit from a practical, customized treatment plan.

Causes of Leg Swelling

Also known as peripheral edema, swelling in the foot, ankle, and leg accumulates fluid in your lower limbs. This fluid buildup may sometimes be painful. Swelling is more evident in the legs and ankles due to the effects of gravity.

You may experience leg swelling resulting from a glitch within your lymphatic system or kidneys. Sometimes, you might experience leg swelling due to fluid buildup after sitting or standing for long durations.

Other conditions that may cause leg swelling to include:

  •       Chronic kidney disease
  •       Acute kidney failure
  •       Heart failure
  •       Hormone therapy
  •       Cirrhosis (liver scarring)
  •       Cardiomyopathy (heart tissue disease)
  •       Lymphedema (blockage in the lymph system)
  •       Vascular disorders

What Vascular Disorders Can Lead to Leg Swelling?

Painful leg swelling, often accompanied by skin discoloration, may indicate a blood clot in the deep veins (deep vein thrombosis). These symptoms demand an immediate investigation to prevent a pulmonary embolism – a potentially severe condition whereby a blood clot travels to your lungs.

Conditions such as peripheral artery disease (PAD) and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) may also cause leg swelling in their advanced stages. These conditions lead to the development of open wounds (ulcers) on your legs, where poor circulation leads to tissue deterioration.

Available Treatment Options for Leg Swelling

If your leg swelling results from peripheral edema, getting yourself moving can mainly reduce the fluid buildup since exercising helps to pump excessive fluid back to your heart. Other remedies that can address edema include getting a massage to improve circulation, elevating your legs, and wearing compression socks that you may purchase on-site. Dr. Burkett further specializes in conducting advanced, minimally invasive procedures to address problem veins. CVI treatments include:

  •       ClosureFast™ Procedure

ClosureFast™ applies radiofrequency energy to close off the afflicted vein, which your body later absorbs. Blood automatically adopts an alternative route, down a healthy route.

  •       VenaSeal™ Closure System

VenaSeal™ medical adhesive joins the vein walls together permanently.

  •       Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy entails having an injection into the problem vein to seal it off. At Middle Georgia Vascular Surgery Center & Vein Solutions, Dr. Burkett uses a sclerosant liquid or Varithena foam to seal the vein.

PAD may entail peripheral balloon angioplasty. In this treatment, Dr. Burkett passes a slender tube known as a catheter into the problem artery. A tiny balloon on the catheter’s end inflates inside the artery, flattening cholesterol buildup (plaque) against the walls and improves blood flow.

Dr. Burkett can further advise you on the relevant lifestyle changes you need to make and confirm that you are managing underlying conditions like diabetes that tend to increase your vulnerability to leg swelling.

Bottom Line

Leg swelling can be aesthetically displeasing besides causing other severe health complications. If you seek relief from this condition, call Middle Georgia Vascular Surgery Center & Vein Solutions today or schedule your appointment online.