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All About Artificial Insemination

Infertility is quite a common problem in the US. Indeed, about 18 percent of couples in the US go for more than a year of frequent intercourse without successfully getting pregnant. If/when you and your partner decide to go to see a doctor over infertility issues, artificial insemination is one of the solutions that he or she may suggest. The procedure is simple, and it does not involve any significant side-effects. In this procedure, the doctor is going to insert sperm directly into a woman’s uterus, cervix, or fallopian tubes. Infertility experts such as Dr. Khalid Sultan usually use this technique to shorten the distance that the sperm has to travel to meet the egg. Below are some important things that you should know about artificial insemination.

The Kind of Infertility That Artificial Insemination Can Treat

This technique can be used to solve a wide range of infertility problems. In cases of male infertility, it is often used in cases where the sperm is not strong enough to swim up to the fallopian tubes. It is also effective in solving infertility issues that have to do with low sperm count. Cases of female infertility that can be treated with this procedure include infertility that is caused by endometriosis and other anomalies with the reproductive organ, such as unreceptive cervical muscles.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Your doctor is going to make use of blood tests, ultrasound, or an ovulation kit to ensure that you are ovulating when the artificial insemination is done. Then, your partner will be required to provide a sample of his semen. This may be done at home or in the doctor’s office. The doctor may suggest to your partner to avoid intercourse for about three days before the procedure.

The sperm is then “washed” to get rid of any chemical that may cause discomfort in a woman’s body. This also helps in improving the chances of successful conception. The process involves liquefying the sperm for thirty minutes at room temperature and adding some chemicals to separate the most active sperm from the less active ones. A centrifuge is then used to collect the best sperm. The sperm are then placed in a thin tube, also known as a catheter, and administered to your uterus through the vagina and cervix.


Artificial insemination is largely a successful technique. However, its success varies from one person to another depending on factors such as the age of a woman and the quality of sperm and eggs, among others. Therefore, not every couple with infertility problems can benefit from this technique. You may have to try it upward of six times with injectable hormones before your doctor can advise you on your next course of action.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that if you and your partner have been trying to have a baby unsuccessfully for at least one year, then you need to see an infertility expert for diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the cause of your problem, artificial insemination is one of the techniques that can help you. If you are looking for a reliable artificial insemination specialist in New York City, New York Fertility Institute is an excellent facility for you to visit. Feel free to contact them today for more information about their practitioners and services.