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Five Fantastic IT Careers to Consider

Some of the highest-paying jobs in the world are in the IT sector. If you’re interested in problem solving and technical things, a career in IT is for you. However, there are so many careers in IT that it can be difficult to choose. To help you with that decision, here is a list of 5 rewarding IT careers for you to consider.

1. IT Manager

IT managers are in charge of coordinating and defining the objectives of the IT team. The manager also assigns specific tasks to members of the IT team. The IT manager is also called the computer and information systems manager. If you pursue a career in IT management, your main job will be to supervise and make sure that the technology department does what it’s supposed to do. Since this is a management role, you need a master’s in computer science. Having good communication skills doesn’t hurt either. The annual median salary for an IT manager is $142,000.

2. Data Analyst

Organizations collect all kinds of information from internet users. They do this to understand the customer and make better decisions. A data analyst makes sense of this information and assigns a numerical value to it. The analyst interprets that information with the help of necessary data analytics software (you can look at here now, if interested), enabling managers to make more informed business decisions. Every industry, such as business, government, finance, medicine, and science, that deals with data (which is most of them nowadays) employs data analysts. The beginner annual salary for a data analyst is around $60,000. Senior data analysts are paid $135,000 and above annually. An MS in Data Analytics puts you on the fast track to a lucrative and rewarding career in IT.

3. Database Administrator

Employees access a company’s database all the time. They do it to retrieve and store information. The constant traffic can have a lagging effect on the database. The primary duties of a database administrator are to maintain the system and make sure that it continues to work smoothly. They improve system performance by using methods like disk optimization and index tuning. Database administrators also update and upgrade the system. The annual median salary for a database administrator is $90,000.

4. Network Administrator

Computers in the office are connected to a network, which helps employees communicate with one another. A network administrator is responsible for identifying network problems and solving them. When there are downtimes, the administrator makes sure that the speed is back to normal. A network administrator is also responsible for configuring the network and upgrading hardware and software to improve connectivity. Some employers want their network administrators to have a degree in computer science or software engineering. The average annual median salary for a network administrator is $60,000.

5. Computer Network Architect

Cloud computing allows us to store and access data on the cloud. You can choose from a variety of cloud providers depending on your individual needs. A cloud system is designed, created, and maintained by a computer network architect. If you pursue a career as a computer network architect, you will also be responsible for building and maintaining a company’s intranet, incorporating things like event-driven architecture (if you’re wondering what is event-driven architecture, you might find this article helpful) to help the company run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. A degree in computer science or software engineering can help you pursue a career as a computer network architect. You also have to continue learning from different platforms since network architecture is a wide topic. The average annual median salary for this job is $109,000.

Since IT is constantly changing, more careers will develop as time goes by. Today, the mentioned jobs are some of the most rewarding in the technology sector. If you have a passion for IT, you can choose from the above list. Do your research and practice constantly if you want to be good at either of these jobs.