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Types Of OCD; Get Conversant With Them

Have you come across someone who expresses a weird sense of fear for various things? Often, you will find people that showcase fear of germs or losing someone. This fear is a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and an expert in OCD in New York will come in handy.

OCD patients often exhibit different changes in their bodies, including behavioral, psychological, moods, and food aversion. However, the characteristics and symptoms usually vary from individual to individual. It is in this regard that we take a look at the common types of OCD and how to handle them. They include the following.

·         Concerns on accidental harm to self

This type of OCD usually pushes the patient to worry about the possibility of harming themselves or those around them. Often, they assume that such harm will stem from the negligence or the carelessness of those around them. They are likely to have different intrusive images as well as impulses too. Did you know that such patients could also rely on various rituals to offer them the relief they need?

·         Contamination Obsessions

Most of the patients with this type of OCD feel uncomfortable in environments that are not clean. Ideally, they often think that such situations could expose them to diseases or illnesses. To that end, they will worry about germs, dirt, and viruses. Some could also have immense concerns about household chemicals and blood. It is common for these patients to spend time trying to clean or wash their hands. This way, the fear subsides with time.

·         Symmetry and arrangement

You can hardly dissociate perfectionism from the symptoms of OCD. These patients will always focus so much on exactness, order, and symmetry. As such, they are likely to engage in repeatedly arranging, lining up, and organizing objects in a way that meets their expectations. For instance, they could choose to arrange things according to color or shape, and any slight deviation could trigger them. Further, they appreciate structuring or saying their sentences in specific ways.

·         Hoarding

Hoarding is yet another common type of OCD. In most cases, it involves the collection of various items that are relatively less valuable to others. According to the patients, these items could prove useful in the long run. Some of the things that they are likely to hoard include old newspapers, receipts, clothes, and even junk mail. Ideally, these patients are obsessed with not losing any item.

·         Visible compulsions

It would be unfair not to mention how far-reaching the effects of visible compulsions tend to be. It involves the patient being obsessed with religious, aggressive, and sexual themes. Most of their thoughts in such subjects tend to be intrusive, and they could be uncomfortable for you. It will often be essential for one to aim at avoiding these intrusive thoughts and any triggers at all times.

The types of OCD mentioned above will often stand in as symptoms too. Once you witness any of such, you should consider getting help from an expert. Visit Thriving Mind Psychology today for more insights into the condition.