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Therapeutic Neuromodulation in West Los Angeles

If you or someone close to you struggles with a condition such as autism, depression, anxiety, or ADHD, it is a perfect time to consider therapeutic neuromodulation. This is an alternative method of treating devastating psychiatric conditions by stimulating the brain with magnetic or electrical currents. Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine is a renowned and leading medical center for stress disorders and other related conditions offering this therapeutic neuromodulation in West Los Angeles, California. With over 40 years of experience, they have mastered the neuroscience-based state-of-brain technology to enable every patient to improve brain neuro physical functioning and decrease or eliminate the symptoms. Call or schedule an appointment today with Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine for neuromodulation consultation.

What is Neuromodulation?

Brain neurons function as networks connected both electrochemically and electrically. Brain function can be interfered within disease conditions because of faulty conduction, disturbed neural, or damaged brain networks functioning. In this case, neuromodulation is a noninvasive, innovative, and drug-free therapy that integrates biofeedback and neurostimulation.  The process reestablishes optimal brain activity to lessen the symptoms of the conditions. Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine is experienced and focused on optimizing your brain function and effectively restoring your lifestyle quality through neuromodulation. 

Which Conditions Does Neuromodulation Treat?

Neuromodulation treatments are meant for patients who have not successfully relieved their symptoms with medication. Neurostimulation restores optimum brain activity to reduce the symptoms of various conditions tremendously. These include; autism, ADHD, depression, panic disorder, insomnia, tourette syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, stroke, migraines, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and back pain. The team of experts at Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine will work with you to assess if neuromodulation is the right treatment for you.

How is Neuromodulation Therapy Performed?

Neuromodulation therapy involves the combination of neurostimulation and biofeedback to train the brain to follow optimal brainwave patterns and frequencies. This is like simply training or coaching the brain.  The team of professionals at Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine starts the treatment by performing a qEEG brain map to check for the suboptimal or abnormal brain waves. These allow them to individualize your treatment program and help to achieve quick relief.


Neurostimulation is done using NeuroField expertise, in which a device makes a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field generator, transcranial direct stimulation and transcranial alternating current stimulation. The device creates a highly customized and gentle magnetic pulse to stimulate optimal brain activity in the dysfunctional brain area. This process is painless, drug-free, and noninvasive; hence you don’t require some time off to recover.


In biofeedback neuromodulation treatment, you will put sensors on your head that record and present your brains’ action on a CPU screen. From your brain activity, the equipment comes up with a game in which the sensors track your brain activity as you play the game. When you stimulate the brain, an event created by neurostimulation, the device emits an auditory tone to offer positive reinforcement. With practice, you will be able to maintain optimal brain activity and use it in your daily life. The team of experienced physicians at Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine will take you to step by step through the treatment until your symptoms decrease and your health improves.

Why Should You Consider Neuromodulation?

Neuromodulation effectively alters your brain functioning, which gives long-lasting results. Instead of covering your symptoms with drugs, neuromodulation gives you permanent improvements to your condition. Other than treating your health, it enhances your overall brain connectivity. The regions of your brain coordinate better, hence enhancing the overall efficiency and speed of processing information.

To sum up, Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine provides a comprehensive neuromodulation program individualized according to the information collected on your initial evaluation. If you are in or around West Los Angeles, California, living with any related condition mentioned above, call Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine today to schedule a consultation and assess how neuromodulation will help you.