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Sinusitis Types and Symptoms; Get More Versed

Understanding Sinusitis Types and Symptoms

Rhinosinusitis, commonly referred to as sinusitis, is a nasal infection whereby healthy sinuses become congested with fluid causing the nasal lining to swell. The bacterial infection usually takes place after a cold or while experiencing allergies. This can lead to a buildup of mucus, causing pain, pressure, and a decrease in smell and taste. Symptoms of sinusitis can include a sore throat, headaches, congestion, and a runny nose.

Treatment may include antibiotics or decongestants. Individuals may also benefit from an Electric Nasal Rinse device. This device is designed to flush out the nasal passage with a saline solution to help reduce inflammation and remove allergens and bacteria. By irrigating the sinuses, it can reduce the buildup of mucus and improve breathing.

That said, there are three main known types of sinusitis consisting of the following:

Short-term Sinusitis.

It is also known as acute sinusitis. It’s symptoms and signs usually last for less than four weeks. Most cases start as a common cold before they progress and eventually go away within the seventh and tenth day. In some people, the bacterial infection may continue to persist.

In the treatment of acute sinusitis, administering antibiotics is essential to kill the bacteria, while allergy medicines work very well to reduce the swelling. It is advisable not to try over the counter sprays without checking with your healthcare provider. Some might make the condition worse.

Long-term (Chronic)

This stage occurs after the patient’s symptoms persist for over twelve weeks, despite having proper medical care. The airways become inflamed when one suffers from asthma. Therefore, asthma patients are more at risk of developing chronic sinusitis.

People suffering from chronic conditions are required to visit an ENT specialist or otolaryngologist. If sinusitis is a result of bacteria, antibiotics and inhaled corticosteroid medicines will work better for patients during the early stage of chronic sinusitis. If the specialist identifies a nasal allergy, administering immunotherapy shots will likely be put into action. Although surgery is hardly done, in some more serious cases it remains the only option.

Recurrent Sinusitis

In this kind of sinusitis, the infection comes back at least three times a year. If you are suffering from this intermittent condition, you are required to seek out an otolaryngologist for treatment.

Common causes of Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be triggered by various factors, including:

  1. Allergies: Sensitivity to allergens like dust, pollen, mold, or animal fur can lead to sinus inflammation and subsequent sinusitis. To mitigate this risk, it is advised to perform air ducts, carpets, and Upholstery Cleaning on a regular basis, as these are common allergen reservoirs.
  2. Infections: Both bacterial and viral infections can cause sinus inflammation and contribute to sinusitis. Practicing good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing and avoiding touching the face, can be effective preventive measures.
  3. Structural Abnormalities: Conditions like a deviated septum or nasal polyps can obstruct the sinuses, increasing the risk of sinusitis. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to correct the septum deviation or remove polyps. Over-the-counter medications may also be prescribed to alleviate inflammation.
  4. Immune System Challenges: A compromised immune system can make individuals more susceptible to infections, potentially resulting in sinusitis. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise, is crucial for bolstering the immune system. Additionally, the use of vitamins and supplements may aid in immune system support.

Additionally, sinusitis patients may show the following signs and symptoms;

1. Throat Pains

When the nasal fluid drains down to your throat over a long time, it irritates the throat and nasal passage. The condition can lead to a persistent cough when you lie down or when you wake up early in the morning. Sometimes, it may also cause sleeping difficulties. Postnasal drip can also leave you with a raw and aching throat. It may start with an annoying tickle, and if prolonged, the mucus will irritate and inflame your throat, causing a painful sore throat and hoarse voice.

2. Severe Headaches

The constant pressure and inflammation in the nasal lining cause headaches. Prolonged sinus pain results in earaches, dental aches, and pains in your jaw and cheekbones. Sinus headaches are usually severe in the morning due to the accumulation of nasal discharge overnight. Sometimes, the condition might worsen if the atmospheric pressure changes immediately.

3. Continuous Nasal Discharge

If you are suffering from sinusitis, your nose discharges a cloudy, green-yellow nasal discharge that signifies infected sinuses. Sometimes, the release may bypass through the nasal passage into the throat. This condition causes itching, tickling, or even soreness in the throat. The condition causes swelling of the sinuses and affects how you breathe if it’s not treated. The infection also causes the inflammation of the nasal passage which restricts your ability to smell or taste as usual. With time, you might start sounding stuffy.

In conclusion, sinusitis is a nasal infection that causes the tissue lining to swell. There are three forms of sinus infections; acute, chronic, and recurrent. If you are looking to have medical consultation about sinusitis in Newport Beach, feel free to visit Dr. Alexis Furze.