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Have You Tried Conventional Treatments Unsuccessfully?

Some health complications such as mental and chronic issues can be notoriously challenging to treat. This is because your response to different medications or other therapies is as unique as each patient. Suppose you have tried several conventional treatments for your health complication without success. In that case, Dr. Neal Taub of Charlotte Ketamine Center can help you manage your treatment-resistant condition through ketamine therapy. Many people might hear ketamine and think an addictive, dangerous, and potentially deadly drug couldn’t be used as a medicine, especially not as a treatment for mental health issues. However, various alternative medicines to treat various mental health problems are cropping up, for example, take some of the CBD products you can find from a supplier like Gold Bee or others online that can be used to treat anxiety, depressions, even insomnia, and more. There are many more alternative treatments available today. Dr. Taub understands the need for alternative treatment options because everyone responds differently to each treatment option. Besides, some of the conventional treatments have intolerable side effects.

What is ketamine infusion?

Ketamine came into the medical field as an anesthetic. Although it has been abused and used as a party drug, it has proven to be a potent medication applied in vast ways to ease mental and physical pain.

Ketamine infusion therapy involves minimal doses of the medicine used in anesthesia and delivered through an IV. The drug stimulates your brain activity, specifically targeting the areas of your brain that receives the pain signals. This helps in regulating your moods and can provide significant relief more rapidly than antidepressants. You can get relief within 4-72 hours.

Conditions Benefiting from Ketamine Infusion


If you have tried various conventional treatments for your depression unsuccessfully, you might have treatment-resistant depression. About 16 million people suffer and live with depression, where a good number have treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine therapies have proven effective in managing depression as an alternative to conventional treatments.

The FDA-approved therapy manages your depression differently from other treatment options such as antidepressants, as it targets to block the neurotransmitter receptors in your brain that cause depression. Apart from that, you could also incorporate other things that can help with alleviating your stress and anxiety. After consulting with your doctor, you may use CBD products purchased from stores such as buymyweedonline to help reduce your anxiety to a considerable extent. Many researchers have discovered evidence that supports the use of CBD as monotherapy or complementary therapy for treating generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


When you talk about the most common mental condition affecting Americans, anxiety is at the lead. Over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives where many have been forced to live with the condition as it has become a treatment-resistant complication. However, with ketamine therapy, your anxiety condition will not be around anymore.

Tension is treatable, and you don’t have to live with it. Ketamine therapy to manage your stress can include intravenous infusion and inhaled nebulizer options. If you have tried other alternatives unsuccessfully, it’s time not to let them interfere with your life any longer. You can learn how to manage your negative feelings and thoughts before they can interfere with your behaviors.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If you experience a traumatic event, you can develop this particular anxiety disorder. Although experiencing heightened feelings when you experience trauma is expected, the symptoms associated may persist. Ketamine therapy can help you get relief when the symptoms last several months without improving and only getting worse. The treatment procedure aims to stimulate glutamate production, which is the neurotransmitter regulating your response to stress and the formation of traumatic memories. These traumatic memories are even more in the case of first responders. Many of them tend to go for First Responder Trauma Treatment to handle the traumatic events they’re exposed to.


If you suffer from migraines, the condition is often misunderstood, making it notoriously challenging to treat. However, ketamine therapy has proven effective in managing migraines where traditional treatment options have not been successful.

Neuropathic Pain

This is a painful condition as a result of nerve damage and can last for several months. Ketamine therapy and combined IV treatments have proven effective in alleviating this pain where conventional treatment options fail.

Suppose you have a mental complication or physical pain that has persisted despite your efforts to manage it through conventional options. Ketamine therapy may be right for you. To find out, please contact your provider at Charlotte Ketamine Center.