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Effective and Successful Weight Loss Surgery in Texas

Maintaining a healthy weight in today’s life can be challenging, it requires discipline and focus. However, even losing one pound of your weight has health benefits. Weight loss is therefore encouraged as it promotes your health and generally improves your life quality. The process, however, is not a walk in the park. To some, it isn’t very encouraging, and most people end up giving up. If you are struggling to lose weight, especially that stubborn fat, bariatric surgery might fit you. The Bariatric Experts specializes in providing extensive non-invasive bariatric surgery. The Frisco path to weight loss surgery is committed to providing an effective way to achieve your weight loss goal and better your health. Call or book online to schedule your appointment.

Located in Frisco, Abilene, and Denton, Texas, the board-certified Bariatric Experts offer customized, and medically supervised weight loss plans to provide successful results and meet every patient’s desired goals. The practice led by Scott Stowers, DO, aims at offering compassionate care to help patients feel at their best. The highly skilled team offers bariatric support groups, diet plans, weight loss webinars, and a weight loss surgery path. If your weight puts your health at risk or demeans your confidence, and you are struggling to lose it, surgery might be the way for you. Visit the Bariatric Experts today for a successful outcome.

What is the path to weight loss surgery?

The path to weight loss surgery involves several steps created by Dr. Stowers before and after surgery to increase your weight loss success. The highly experienced team at The Bariatric Experts walks with you all the way to ensure you achieve your desired goals.

What are the steps you need to take for weight loss surgery?

The steps on the path to weight loss surgery are as follows:

Make an appointment

After deciding on a weight loss surgery, now itโ€™s time to book your appointment at the Bariatric Experts by calling their office or booking online.

Attend the initial consultation

After making an appointment, Dr. Stowers and his team develop your weight loss program, including the financial, clinical, and nutritional guide, to help you through the journey.

During the consultation, you meet with your weight loss surgeon, a dietician, and a financial specialist who provides you with all the information you need to make your decision.

Medical clearances

It is a requirement for weight loss surgery, where your provider evaluates your medical history and carries some medical tests to ensure you are fit for the procedure.

Schedule surgery

After finding you are the right candidate for the treatment, the team provides you with the date and time of the surgery that fits your schedule.

Pre-surgery instructions

They involve the dos and don’ts before, during, and after surgery to ensure successful results.


During the surgery, the surgeon administers anesthesia to keep you asleep and relaxed. The procedure usually takes an hour, and you spend one night in the hospital and discharge in the morning.

After the procedure, you continue following the instructions given and attend the follow-up appointments.

In conclusion, the path to weight loss surgery helps patients achieve their desired weight fast and successfully. The Bariatric Experts support you throughout your process to enhance excellent results. Visit them today for the care you can trust.