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Travelling with the Whole Family

I suppose the title of this post sort of suggests that travelling with the whole family is true quite the chore, but if you’ve had to endure a few hours in the car with family members of different generations, interests, and patience levels then you’ll know that that’s exactly what it is – a chore. Now try travelling frequently with the whole family, internationally for that matter, with bums having to be in seats for very long stretches at a time!

It’s really not all bad though and you’ll actually be surprised at just how positively even toddlers can handle themselves en route to your destination if you approach this family-travel thing right. That’s what it’s all about – you have to bring everybody on board and show them that travelling is actually fun, so pull no stops in making sure the entertainment is top-notch once you reach your first few destinations. Think about how your itinerary would suit everyone, such as booking Holiday cottages in the Yorkshire Dales near a pub or high-street, that way you get great views and walks for the adults while the kids can get yummy food or entertainment.

That’s how easy it is to get everybody on board and while it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be well-behaved throughout the whole trip and every single time for that matter, at least they’ll be on your side when you tell them that things are going to get better once you arrive at your destination.

A single-daddy friend of mine (yes, they do exist, even though in this particular instance it’s a rather sad story of how the wife passed away giving birth) has this thing where he insists his toddler sits in his baby seat at the back and the rule is that the car doesn’t move until he gives in to be secured in his seat. Because of the frequency of the trips they take, the toddler is often right on board and generally has as much restraint as a child his age can have, so that’s a great example of how the destination can entice anyone to behave. On one occasion though they were stuck in some heavy traffic and you could see the tantrum coming from the toddler since he’d been really patient and seemed to have known that something is different this time – he somehow knew that he was having to be more patient than he usually is.

Such eventualities should be planned for and fortunately in this day and age entertainment is as mobile as we are. You get in-flight entertainment in aircraft that are bigger than the smallest ones which fly over short distances, so the kids can pop on their headsets and take their pick from the range of content to pass time with while the plane covers the miles in the air. Fortunately, entertainment options extend beyond just flights. Whether you have a laptop or a mobile phone, you can effortlessly keep the entire family entertained during your travel.

Thanks to the internet and TV service in Southern Louisiana and many other locations worldwide, you can now access your favorite shows and movies from virtually anywhere. This flexibility helps you steer clear of potential boredom during your travels.

What’s even better is that you can rest assured about the content being family-friendly, as you have the option to select shows and movies that are suitable for viewers of all ages. This ensures that everyone in the family can enjoy their entertainment without any worries.
Of course, there are very special cases such as how series like Family Guy are exclusively for adults, so it’s just a matter of keeping an eye on what they entertain themselves with.

Likewise, keep in mind that bathroom breaks and refreshment stops are essential pitstops when traveling with the whole family. They serve as more than just practical necessities; they become memorable moments of respite during the journey. These breaks offer a chance to stretch your legs, refuel with snacks or drinks, and briefly escape the confines of the vehicle.

For kids, they often mean a chance to expend some pent-up energy, explore new surroundings, or simply enjoy a change of scenery. It’s during these interludes that you can truly savor the adventure of traveling together. Whether it’s a charming roadside diner, a scenic rest area, or a quaint park, these breaks punctuate the journey, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the family expedition.

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