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Questions to Consider Before Bringing a Puppy into a Family Home

A puppy is a wonderful addition to any family, whether that be pitbull puppies or labrador puppies. However, it is not a decision you should rush into as puppies need lots of time, attention, and money. Before you bring back your tiny Dachshund or Labrador, here are the questions you must consider.

Is Your Home Puppy-Friendly?

A large family home with a big garden is perfect for a puppy, whereas a tiny apartment with barely any room to move will not suit one quite so well. Plus, to ensure your home is puppy-friendly, you must also consider everything you need to buy, such as dog toys, the bed, and more. For when your puppy grows up, you might want to invest in a dog door with sensor, so that it can move to the garden independently.

Who Will Walk the Puppy?

When your puppy grows up, it will need lots of walks, which means someone must be the designated dog walker. If the choice is a teen, you must consider that they might move out of the family home in the next five years, which means the job of walking the dog will fall to somebody else.

Who Will Pick Up its Poop?

If you want a puppy, you must be able to deal with poop, as you will be picking up a lot of it. Do not just assume another family member will do it for you! So, before bringing one home, discuss who is OK with picking up the poop (hopefully it will be everyone).

Do You Have Space?

Do you have the room for a puppy once it grows up, its toys, its bed? Also, are you willing to part with that space? Do not bring a puppy home without considering how much room they will take up in your house. Once you get one, it becomes a part of your family and deserves just as much space as everyone else.

Do You Know the Breed of Dog You Want?

You need to think about what breed of dog you want before deciding to get a puppy. Different breeds provide different qualities; you might want a small dog to accommodate your small home, or you might want an extra-friendly dog for lots of cuddles. Before choosing the cutest puppy that you can find, have a look at the different qualities each dog breed provides.

Do You Have the Time?

Puppies need lots of attention, and that does not entirely go away once they grow into adult dogs. If everyone is away from the home for seven hours or more, you need to consider either not getting a puppy or hiring a dog-sitter.

Do You Have the Money?

The cost of your puppy is not just what you pay upfront. You also need to consider vet fees, food, toys, and medications, so make sure you have the finances to home a dog for life.

It is essential to ensure you are ready for a puppy before you bring one home. After all, you want to give it the best life possible!