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Big City Life vs. Life in the Country

Taking long walks along country lanes, foraging in the wild, and connecting with local wildlife might be far removed from the bright lights, busy streets, and hours of shopping that are represented by big cities, but they both present the best kind of life to different people. The reality, however, is that many people are trading in the big city and bright lights for the slower pace of the countryside. Equally, many others are missing the fast pace of city life and the opportunities available in big cities at the expense of country living.

For many, this is a real dilemma, and they have many sleepless nights and many an argument trying to decide which is best for their families. This article will attempt to provide you with some current trends and thoughts on the matter from a wide range of opinions and research as to the benefits and downsides of each. These are condensed lists and only look at the top concerns for each.

Big City Life


  • The biggest advantage of living in the big smoke or a big city is the excitement, the things to do and the action. It’s a 24/7/365 vibe, and whether it’s London, Birmingham, or Manchester, the big city vibe is what drives many.
  • Job options are many and varied compared to the country, and there is more opportunity to build a career and grow in the big city.
  • Diversity, all big cities are multicultural melting pots, and as such provide a range of cultural experiences from food to art and crafts, it’s all available in the big city.


  • The cost of living in a city can be significantly higher than living in the countryside, particularly as the opportunities for self-sustainability is almost zero in a high-density and city environment. In addition, property prices are generally also higher, and as the housing market is showing higher house prices than ever before, this is felt to a greater extent in cities than in rural areas.
  • Pollution and overcrowding with fewer green spaces are a serious concern for many people and are becoming more concerning as climate change makes pollution a serious problem. Simply speak to the many Londoners who move away from the city to Bristol or another popular city because of the daily overcrowded commute. In addition, living in the country means not only being removed from pollution but actually countering climate change by improving self-sustainability and lowering your carbon footprint.
  • More crime, it’s just a fact, and the stats speak for themselves, there is generally more crime in cities than in the countryside.

A Life in the Country


  • Space, fresh air, and less pollution, oh and did we say space? This is likely the biggest reason that most people make the move from cities to the countryside as more of us look to live with a lower carbon footprint and contribute positively to the environment by growing and raising our own food. This also allows those who have the space the opportunity to ensure a closeness to their source of food and the ability to go organic.
  • Exposure to nature has been shown to have a positive impact on our well-being and mental health. As more people become attuned to their mental wellbeing and are looking for ways to reduce anxiety, stress and improve mindfulness, connecting with nature provides a real opportunity for these changes.
  • An opportunity to set up your own farm and start a new adventure. You can buy a farmhouse with land attached to it and start planting crops and getting your own animals to sell. Plus if you invest in great farming equipment and use things like Costex Tractor Parts you will be able to work efficiently on your new farm and business opportunity.


  • Narrow lanes that all have a surprise tractor on them may not be everyone’s cup of tea and may actually increase anxiety rather than reducing it. It is something that you would have to get accustomed to but should not be an insurmountable reason to not make the move if all the other reasons are drawing you towards those country roads.
  • Less activities and things to do, there is unlikely to be a theatre or a music concert and amusement parks.

The Hybrid Solution

The compromise for many is to find the ultimate mix; life is about moderation, and as such, finding a place to live that will offer a bit of both will be just what the doctor ordered.

The move that is popular is one out of the city and into the surrounding towns, not really countrified, but a bit of Bristol is ‘Gert lush’, or towns in the Black Country with access to Birmingham may be your thing. The nature of work has changed dramatically, and as such, it doesn’t have to be about the commute. You may only need to go in a few times a month or not at all.

If you’re looking to move, be creative and clear as to what your wants are, discuss and plan it with the family and friends and see what it is that you can afford and where.