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What You Need to Know About Heart Failure

What goes around your mind when you hear of heart failure is either death or your heart will stop working. If you or a loved one encounters Upper East Side heart failure, there is hope when you visit Upper East Side Cardiology; you will meet Dr. Satjit with his specialist cardiologist team, who offers different services to ensure you enjoy a healthy heart.  The services include:


        Stress testing

        Chest pain

        Varicose veins

        Atrial fibrillation



When you visit your doctor, he will explain that heart failure means your heart cannot pump blood as required.  Your heart arteries may have become narrow, or you might be having hypertension, which causes your heart to weaken.

Causes of heart failure

Your doctor will discuss with you various reasons that can cause your heart to fail.  One of them being your heart becoming stiff.  Your ventricles may become stiff hence failure to fill well between beats.  Many demands placed on your heart might also cause your heart not to pump blood to the rest of your body.

Your heart muscles can also cause heart failure when damaged and weakened, causing the ventricles to stretch hence failing to pump blood efficiently to the whole body.

Symptoms of heart failure

Your doctor will take you through the various heart failure symptoms and signs and let you know the right time to visit him immediately. These are:-

        Chest pain

        Fainting or severe weakness

        Sudden severe shortness of breath and foamy pink mucus when you cough.


Your doctor will go through your medical history and review your symptoms. For physical examination, he will listen to your lungs for congestion using a stethoscope. He will also check for abnormal heartbeat sounds. 

Your doctor may also request some of these tests.

Blood test

Your doctor will take a blood sample to check any disease that can affect the heart.

Chest X-ray

Your doctor will do the test to see the condition of your lungs and heart.


Your doctor will recommend this test to get a video image of your heart that shows any abnormality in your hearts’ size and shape.

Stress test

Your doctor will request you to do the test to measure your heart’s health through how it responds to exertion.


Your doctor will take you through the various treatment methods to help you live longer and avoid heart failure.


We have a different kind of medication. Depending on your condition, your doctor might use a combination of different medications available.

Surgery and medical devices

Your doctor may recommend surgery to treat your underlying condition that led to your heart failure. They will also discuss with you the different types of medical devices available nowadays, like pacemakers, that can improve your quality of life. It’s important to know that pacemakers are not defibrillators, but you’ll be given all of the information you need by your doctor.

Palliative care and end-of-life care

Your doctor will explain to you that palliative care will ease your symptoms and improve your life quality.

For more details about heart failure, call or make a booking online with your trusted physician at Upper East Side Cardiology.