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Broken Nose: Visit an ENT Specialist or a Plastic Surgeon for Repair

Your nose can lose its usual appearance due to injury, Mohs resection for skin cancer, medical treatment and trauma. This damage can give you both physical and emotional pain, with your self-esteem and confidence taking a beating. Fortunately, there is good news for you if you are looking to find a center for facial reconstruction in Scottsdale. Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery uses various reconstructive surgery techniques to re-approximate your nose’s normal appearance and improve its function after it has suffered a fracture. Reconstructive techniques help improve both developmental and congenital deformities.

The Basics about Broken Nose

Your nose is composed of three parts; the bony pyramid on the upper side, the hard cartilage at the center, and soft cartilage at the bottom. You get a nasal fracture or broken nose when the nasal bone cracks. This mostly affects the upper part of the nose. If you delay seeking treatment, the damage can affect 1/3 of your nose’s middle and bottom.

You can suffer a broken nose due to a fall, sports injury, a vehicular accident, or physical violence. The following are the initial signs of a broken nose:

  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Crooked appearance
  • Swelling
  • Bruising around the nose
  • Bruising under one or both eyes
  • A feeling of blockage in the nose

Your doctor recommends seeking immediate medical attention if you experience difficulty breathing through the nose and mouth, or have uncontrollable nose bleeding after a traumatic head injury. Further, even if your head injury is not serious, you must seek immediate care if you have a nose fracture. If your nose heals without fixing, other parts not previously injured can curve or collapse, causing long-term breathing complications and aesthetic distortions.

An ENT or Plastic Surgeon for a Broken Nose?

After you have broken your nose, you will experience recurrent nose bleeding, nasal obstruction, sinus headaches and infections, sleep problems, and challenges with cosmetic deformities. You might be wondering who the best physician to help you is; a plastic surgeon or an ENT specialist?

Both plastic surgeons and ENT physicians have the requisite qualifications to do nasal fracture repair. The specialists at Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery are experienced in treating the functional issues affecting your nose and the resulting cosmetic deformity to help avoid the development of breathing problems in the future. For the best results, visit your doctor within 2-4 weeks after injury.

If you have suffered a nose fracture, this is not the end of your good looks. You can opt for reconstructive surgery. It is a type of plastic surgery that corrects defects on the face or body. Choosing one such treatment may help you restore your physical identity and in turn help boost your self-confidence. However, if you are interested in knowing the procedures involved in it, you might want to look at Image Center or sacplasticsurgery, or any similar online sites. Having a thorough look through one such website might help you make an informed decision..

Nevertheless, if your nose injury happened 3 months ago, and you are experiencing challenges in drainage and breathing due to the deformity, you will be attended to by an ENT specialist at Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery. Your surgeon may require a septorhinoplasty to reshape and repair your nose’s outward appearance. You may also be required to undergo rhinoplasty to fine-tune the results of your nose job. Ensure to check with your insurance provider on the fraction of the cost they cover for the latter procedure since it is mostly considered to be cosmetic.