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Treatment Options For Facet Joint Pain

Did you know that more than 80% of Americans are likely to suffer from back pain regardless of their state of health? While several factors can cause back pain, one of the biggest contributors is the facet joint syndrome in Shrewsbury. If you or someone you know has recently been diagnosed with this condition, you should consider seeing an orthopedic specialist at the Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine. While you do that, here are some of the few details about the conditions they want you to know.

How the facet syndrome is treated

Facet syndrome works by causing irregular and recurring cycles of pain in your lower back. The treatment of this condition aims at breaking these cycles so that you can get relief as soon as possible. While there are various treatment options available including surgical and nonsurgical approaches, they can only be effective once an orthopedic surgeon examines your condition’s severity. This means that a noninvasive treatment option can only be used to provide temporary relief to people with mild facet joint pain. But when the pain becomes chronic, an invasive option would be more applicable.

Traditional treatment options

Facet joint pain can also be treated by conservative treatment options designed to reduce the pain and revive the spine’s flexibility. This means that they do not address the cause of the pain. Instead, they provide temporary relief. They include:

Having plenty of rest

If there is anything that most orthopedic specialists advocate for is having plenty of rest, as the perfect remedy for reducing facet joint pain. It is the best time to take a break from work. If you are going to stay at home, find someone to help you with chores.

Go for physiotherapy

When you are under pain, your facet joints may be subjected to wear and tear. Physiotherapy works by adding strength to the muscles and helps the body to function normally. The session also plays a role in stretching out the nerves to reduce the pain. If you are looking for a completely noninvasive facet joint pain treatment, physiotherapy is the way to go for sure and you’d benefit to Learn More about services in your area. You can also receive physiotherapy treatments in the comfort of your own home. This could be a great option for those who do not enjoy clinical settings for a variety of reasons. If you are someone, who prefers to take in-home treatment, you could check out various agencies that provide the services offered by a physio at home.

However, if you are someone who wants to go into the medical field and make a career out of it, you can look at physiotherapy as an option. For that, you may want to check for the eligibility criteria required to get an admission which could be an important aspect as many institutes require specific educational qualifications. Also, getting knowledge about the courses in physiotherapy could help in simplifying the process for you.

Over-the-counter pain relievers

Facet joint pain that keeps coming and going can be treated using OTC medications belonging to the -non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs group. Take the medications as prescribed by the doctor to get relief. But when the pain fails to subside after completing your dosage, you can inform your doctor. That way, they can prescribe stronger medications.

Go for chiropractic care

Studies have proven that chiropractors can help align the spine to provide relief to patients suffering from facet joint pain. If all other interventions have failed to bear fruits, you can try this approach.

You do not have to endure facet joint pain

Facet joint pain treatment options vary depending on the severity of your case. If you have been battling with the pain for days, weeks, or months, know that you are not alone. Many people have come out to seek help and are now navigating their ways through life. For more information on facet joint syndrome, call an orthopedic surgeon today.