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Learn the Possible Reasons Why Your Hip Is Hurting

At birth, the human hip joint is adapted to withstand a substantial amount of wear and tear. Its joints fit perfectly well to allow for fluid movements. The hip joint has cartilage that prevents friction whenever you make movements. However, this is not always the case. With time, the cartilage begins to wear down, which causes pain. Also, the hip may be injured or suffer from a related medical condition. If you have a hurting hip joint, book an appointment with a Columbus hip pain specialist to regain mobility and quality of life.

Below are the common causes of hip pain:


Arthritis is the leading cause of hip pain in both men and women. There are various types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is the type that most affects the hip. This condition is caused by wear and tear from repeated movements and age. People living with arthritis will feel pain in the groin or front of the thigh due to swelling.

Hip fractures

Older people are usually at a higher risk of experiencing hip fractures. This is due to the loss of bone mass and density as our age progresses. If you have a hip fracture, you will feel pain often when you stand on your leg or after straightening. Additionally, the toes of your injured leg may turn out.

Back issues

Women may be more vulnerable to hip pain from this cause more than men. It is also the most common misunderstood cause because people assume that the pain results from arthritis or fractures. However, it may be due to sciatica or endometriosis, a lining that grows along the uterus wall but on the outside. People with this condition tend to feel the pain that travels down to their buttocks. Visiting a Chiropractor in Roseville, CA (or elsewhere) could help manage the pain in this area. They use techniques like joint mobilization and soft-tissue therapies, which can be used safely to relieve pain caused by tightness and spasms in the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and other tissues

Tendinitis and bursitis

Tendons that connect the legs muscle to the joints can become inflamed after repeated use, especially in strenuous activities. This condition mostly affects the runners because they overuse their tendons in their vocation. Most of them develop iliotibial band syndrome.

Bursitis is almost as common as tendinitis, just that in this condition, it is the fluid-filled sacs that become inflamed due to repeated use and irritation. The sacs cushion the hip bone that is close to the surface.


Pregnant women have a higher chance of experiencing hip pain than the rest. Pain is caused by the inguinal and femoral hernias that are also referred to as sports hernias. Pregnant women are more vulnerable because the excess weights make the hernia exert more pressure on the abdominal walls.

Pelvic floor problems

Pelvic floor problems like prostate cancer are often mistaken for other causes of hip pain. Since you may not establish the cause on your own, you should seek assistance for a full exam. The doctor will then advise you accordingly.

Specialists at Medical Wellness Group establish the cause first before coming up with the right treatment option. If the hip pain persists, you should seek medical assistance as it could be a more severe cause. For more questions on hip pain and treatment, book an online appointment today.