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6 Reasons to Take Your Child to the Doctor

If you’re a parent, you know what it’s like to worry about your child’s health.

Even a very healthy child will have their share of sniffles and runny noses, and it can be difficult to find the balance between overreacting and under-reacting.

With this in mind, here are 6 reasons to take your child to their pediatrician.

1). To Keep Their Immunizations Current

It’s common for children to have their share of colds and sniffles, but other diseases – measles, for example, as well as mumps and pertussis (whooping cough) can be far more serious.

Fortunately, many of these diseases are quite easy to control for most children, provided you keep their immunizations current.

As Pediatric Center, a Texas-based pediatric clinic, explains, keeping your child’s immunizations up to date is important because these diseases can be quite serious to young children in particular.

Of course, these diseases are always changing from year to year, evolving to overcome the resistance of last year’s immunizations. That is why it is so important to make sure your children stay current (To learn more, go to

2). To Keep an Eye on Their Development

Another good reason to take your child to the pediatrician is to make sure they’re growing at the expected pace.

Many parents worry about their child’s development, so if you’ve had these fears you’re far from alone.

However, getting the opinion of a good pediatrician is very important if you want to figure out whether or not there is reason to be concerned. Not all developmental delays are much cause for worry: some children simply develop at a slightly slower pace in some areas for some time.

On the other hand, if there is an issue to be aware of, it’s good to figure that out as soon as possible so that you can start looking at next steps.

Overall, you’re likely to find that it brings you peace of mind to have a firm sense of how well your child is developing.

3). If They’re Vomiting or Have Diarrhea

It’s gross, but both vomiting and diarrhea are fairly common among children from time to time.

Sometimes this will be because of illness, other times because of something they ate. In many cases, these episodes resolve themselves and the child recovers with no ill effects.

With that said, if your child experiences repeated bouts of vomiting or diarrhea, particularly if they persist for more than a few hours, it’s probably a good idea to call the pediatrician. You may or may not need to take your child to see the pediatrician, depending on what happens and how their condition progresses.

In some cases, these episodes do point to illness or food poisoning warranting medical attention. However, in many other cases the symptoms go away.

Be observant, be on guard, and don’t be afraid to seek medical advice and attention.

4). For Coughs and Colds

The odd stuffy nose or cold is not usually a big deal for children once they are past their first few years. In very young children, toddlers, and babies, however, it can be more serious.

For babies of 3 months or younger, any sign of illness is cause for contacting the pediatrician.

If your child is a bit older but still very young, it’s probably a good idea to call your pediatrician, particularly if the symptoms persist. A stuffy nose for more than 10 days or a cough for more than a week is sufficient cause for contacting your pediatrician.

5). If They Have A Rash

Children get rashes for the same basic reasons adults do. Most of the time it’s an exposure to an irritating or allergenic substance or material – poison oak, poison ivy, certain types of laundry detergent, certain soaps, other household substances, foods they are allergic to, etc.

As with the majority of colds and coughs, the majority of rashes come and go without too much of a big deal for most children most of the time.

If your child has a rash that causes them pain, call the pediatrician. Ditto for a rash that seems to go deep into the skin or a rash that seems to be sapping their energy.

6). In the Event of an Ear Infection

Ear infections are another common childhood ailment, one that often develops after a cold. If the ear infection is mild, keep an eye on it. If it causes pain and a fever, you should definitely call the pediatrician.


The nature of being a parent is that you will always worry about your child’s wellbeing. Fortunately, the right pediatrician can help you tell the difference between a mild ailment and something more serious. Think of them as a partner in the effort to keep your child safe, healthy, and happy.

Author’s Bio

Helen Anderson is a super-connector with AYC Web Solutions who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.