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All You Need To Know About Coolsculpting

If you are unhappy with the look on your body having excess or unwanted fats, coolsculpting might help you eliminate them. The procedure freezes fat cells in stubborn areas and breaks them down. It eliminates fats in areas that are difficult to remove with exercise or diet. Try coolsculpting in Brooklyn today and get safe treatment with fewer risks and side effects. Everything you have to know about the procedure is highlighted below.

What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a cosmetic procedure designed to destroy fat cells on the skin by freezing them in a process called cryolipolysis. Cool temperatures affect fat cells more than other cells meaning, they cannot damage cells like the skin.

Your doctor uses a device that holds the part targeted between two paddles during the procedure. These paddles cool quickly, leaving them for about 40 minutes or one hour. Within these minutes, 20-25% of fat is destroyed.


Although coolsculpting is considered a safer method in fat reduction than procedures like liposuction, it has some side effects. During the procedure, many people don’t feel any side effects. They only feel tugging and pulling of the skin. After the process, you will feel sore and swollen. This procedure puts you at a slight risk of nerve damage.

After this procedure, some people have a complication known as paradoxical fat hyperplasia. With this, the fat cells increase after the treatment instead of reducing. Mostly, men are at a higher risk of getting this complication than women. You should do more research and seek treatment from qualified cosmetic doctors to reduce side effects.

How long is the recovery period?

Coolsculpting results are not seen immediately after treatment. This procedure helps you reach your desired goal without liposuction or surgical procedures. After the procedure, the fat cells are destroyed, and they are removed naturally from the body by your lymphatic system. The fats are removed slowly, and the results show after one to three months. Most of the fat is removed as waste.

After the first treatment, you may need several sessions to reach your desired body goal, but it will depend on the amount of fat you want to remove. The results can last for a long time or can even be permanent.

Who should avoid coolsculpting?

This procedure is safe when reducing fat cells in a small area. It is not effective for treating obesity or weight loss. Coolsculpting helps destroy fat cells that can only be removed through exercise and diet.

Having a weak immune system can rule you out of having coolsculpting. Also, if you cannot handle the cold during the procedure, you can experience serious health problems.

If you are interested in reducing excess fats in your body, you should first discuss the coolsculpting treatment method with your doctor to rule out all the benefits and risks involved. Your doctor can help you decide if it’s the right move for you or if you can consider other fat-reducing options that can give you better results. But at Heights Aesthetic Laser Center, you will receive better coolsculpting treatment on the condition that you eat healthy diets and exercise regularly to maintain good results.