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6 Tips for Protecting Your Home

Your home isn’t just the largest asset you have, it’s also where you spend your time. That said, there are quite a few ways that your home might not be quite as safe as you’d like. Aside from crimes that can happen in the home, you also need to worry about things like natural disasters, floods (in certain areas), and fires. Law firms, such as Keller Law Offices, can assist in claims procedures and property damage if the need arises.

Here’s a quick look at a few things that can make your home and family a bit safer.

Video Surveillance

Did you know that some thieves can be deterred if they see a home surveillance camera? Additionally, if someone does manage to break in, you’ll have video footage to show the authorities. If you have kids at home, you can also keep an eye on them even when you’re not there. Most home security companies will also provide you with yard signs or window stickers advertising their services. These alone can possibly deter would-be burglars from entering your home. Here is more info on what are the best CCTV systems for your home.

Windows and Doors

It’s always a good idea to make your home suitable for your partner and children. This includes keeping them secure. One of the easiest ways to do this is to make sure that your doors and windows remain locked. This might seem to be sort of a no brainer, but this step is actually a deterrent for criminals who might desire to burgle your home. Many criminals use doors and windows to enter homes that aren’t theirs, so be sure they’re always locked.

Carbon Monoxide and Fire

There’s more to keeping your home and family safe than just keeping burglars out. Each year hundreds of people die from carbon monoxide leaks and thousands of people die from home fires. If you want to keep your family from joining these statistics, you’ll definitely want to invest in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. Test them each month and make sure that you install new batteries in them every 6 months.


A dog can be more than simply man’s best friend. He can also be a valuable asset in terms of home protection, as well as keeping your heart healthy. Most burglars aren’t desirous of getting into an altercation with dogs if they’re able to get inside a home. This means that having a canine, or even a doorbell that plays barking noises, or even just signs warning people to beware of the dog can assist with keeping your home safe. 

Leak Sensors

Each year, billions of dollars are spent to repair water damage in homes. This could be for anything from burst or leaking pipes to damage from floods. It’s a good thing that you can get an inexpensive water sensor to put in your basement, under your sinks, and in your bathrooms that can alert you when there are wet conditions that can damage your possessions and home.

Expensive Items

Having what are known as big-ticket items, such as expensive bikes, cars, or even fancy grills on the outside of your home can possibly make it seem more likely that you’ll have more expensive things inside. Keep these big-ticket items out of sight in a shed or garage if at all possible, so you may want to make sure that these buildings have a sufficient locking system, as well as ensuring they require no repairs before storing any sentimental items in this area. For example, if you have a faulty garage door, it will definitely be in your best interest to contact a well known garage door repair service in Ellicott City, Maryland. Or one that’s in a location nearer to you as this will help to make sure that these items are kept as safe and secure as possible. Wait until it’s trash day if you’re going to throw out boxes for more expensive purchases too. Things like those expensive bikes will definitely last longer and remain in better condition if you keep them in a shed or garage. 

Keeping your home and family safe doesn’t need to be difficult. Just think about the vulnerabilities and weak spots and try to remain vigilant.