Fashion, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

Is My Headache Concerning?

Everyone, irrespective of age, has experienced a throbbing sensation or rapid pounding in their head that would be described as a headache. It is very uncomfortable because your headspace is not aligned with your current activity due to the pain. A headache generally goes away with over-the-counter pain medication, superfoods, and rest. However, a headache […]

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Must-Have Facts for Every Athlete

Sports are a positive and gratifying activity for both professional and amateur athletes. Sports, however, contain the danger of injury. Luckily, you can continue enjoying your hobby indefinitely with professional help. If you seek solutions for sports medicine in Shadow Creek Ranch, Crom Rehabilitation experts have every necessary tools and experience to ensure your healing […]

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How High Cholesterol Affects Your Heart

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver. It is essential for the formation of cell membranes, vitamin D, and some hormones. However, high cholesterol content in the blood (hypercholesterolemia) can be dangerous and potentially fatal.  Lipids, when combined with proteins, form lipoproteins. These substances help transport cholesterol from the liver to the peripheral […]

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