Fashion, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

10 Popular Protein Powders and How They’re Made

Protein powders are popular among health-conscious people for various reasons-some people consume it to build muscle while others intake protein supplements because they don’t eat meat or dairy. However, there are numerous types of protein powder made from different sources that make it difficult to determine which protein provides optimal results. To find the right […]

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Guilt-Free Breakfast Ideas That Actually Taste Good

It doesn’t matter what you might’ve heard, breakfast isn’t a necessity for everyone. In reality, skipping that meal altogether can be better for you than eating breakfast foods that aren’t healthy.  That said, a breakfast that’s well-balanced and nutritious, like one with pancakes made from protein pancake mix, for example, can give you energy. It […]

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7 Activities to Keep Kids Engaged in a Virtual Playdate

Social interaction is a very important part of a young child’s development? Social interaction helps children develop boundaries, problem-solving skills, cooperation skills, and a sense of self. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 quarantine has made it extremely difficult for children to socially interact. This lack of social interaction has many child psychologists and scientists worried that children […]

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