Fashion Archives - Living with Lindsay Fashion, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog Thu, 23 Sep 2021 12:47:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Fashion Archives - Living with Lindsay 32 32 A Second Income with a Lifestyle Business Mon, 07 May 2018 14:13:14 +0000 In today’s economic landscape, relying solely on a primary salary is often insufficient. Even households with dual incomes may find themselves struggling to balance essential expenses with the desire for a much-needed vacation. Seeking loans from conventional banks, known for high-interest rates and stringent eligibility criteria, may not be a practical solution. The demanding credit [...]

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In today’s economic landscape, relying solely on a primary salary is often insufficient. Even households with dual incomes may find themselves struggling to balance essential expenses with the desire for a much-needed vacation.

Seeking loans from conventional banks, known for high-interest rates and stringent eligibility criteria, may not be a practical solution. The demanding credit score prerequisites, income thresholds, and limited loan amounts can be discouraging, particularly for average households.

In such situations, tapping into your own financial resources to kickstart a lifestyle business might be the way forward. However, there are several strategies to keep costs minimal while running a business. Establishing a remote company, and eliminating the need for physical office space, can lead to substantial savings on rent, utilities, and internet expenses. Similarly, using a cloud architecture design for hosting your website and business data can also eliminate the need for physical servers, often resulting in lower costs.

Once your lifestyle business is up and running, you may need to do this one thing for effective promotion becomes crucial. Of course, I’m talking about direct marketing as this makes for a great lifestyle business with which to generate a second income and empower your immediate network at the same time.

Direct marketing is really not as bad as it’s made out to be and if done right it’s only mutually beneficial to the buyers and sellers. The pyramid scheme element which often tends to creep into this practice should be avoided by simply not entertaining the recruitment side of proceedings. If one can earn commissions by recruiting other members to become sellers of an underlying selection of products and services, it’s very easy for the whole thing to start assuming the appearance of multilevel marketing gone wrong, i.e. multilevel marketing turned pyramid scheme!

Additional consideration should be given to digital marketing, as it offers a powerful and transparent approach to reaching and engaging with potential customers. Through Scorpion digital marketing platform, or similar online marketing tools, businesses can effectively target their audience, analyze campaign performance, and tailor their marketing efforts to suit the preferences and needs of their customers.

Focus on selling the core product or service and you’ll find it very easy to maintain a good reputation amongst your buyers in addition to building up a list of repeat buyers who are satisfied with the products or services they’re buying from you.

The lifestyle element is important in that you likely already have a pretty hectic schedule on your hands and so you don’t really have time to engage in a business that requires the kind of attention a typical job or business requires. That’s why it’s called a lifestyle business – it fits in with your current lifestyle and draws on the existing elements of your life to generate that extra income.

Now as far as setting up the lifestyle business goes, start by simplifying the process. Begin by building your network and inviting prospective members to share their insights on the products they frequently purchase. If there is a substantial number of people buying the same item regularly, you can position yourself as the main supplier by sourcing it at a lower cost due to bulk purchases. Then, offer the product to your network at a slightly lower price than what they currently pay, creating a win-win situation for both you and your customers. Keep in mind that you have to develop excellent customer service skills to persuade and convince your network to buy your product. There could be so many suppliers in the market that may offer similar products at lower prices. So what would set you apart from them? Of course, your unique approach to managing your network, which is also your customer now.

It’s as simple as that – sell something which the buyers already buy and you’ll have a good second income by running what is the ultimate lifestyle business. This would always be profitable and never go out of trend. So, you need to worry about revenue generation at all.

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Life Lessons Learned from Travelling Abroad Thu, 19 Apr 2018 14:11:43 +0000 It only really takes one proper trip to learn a whole lot more about yourself as an individual in addition to learning so much about life in general, but the more you travel you learn just how much of a never-ending learning journey this life is. Here are some life lessons I’ve learned personally from [...]

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It only really takes one proper trip to learn a whole lot more about yourself as an individual in addition to learning so much about life in general, but the more you travel you learn just how much of a never-ending learning journey this life is. Here are some life lessons I’ve learned personally from travelling, along with some which were contributed by fellow travellers I’ve had a chat with:

Perspective is EVERYTHING

Nothing demonstrates just how important perspective is quite like going somewhere and experiencing that destination for yourself. Perspective is indeed everything and you tend to marvel at the lengths the media would go to just to try and shape that perspective so that they can sell some advertising space to buyers that have certain agendas.

I’ll terminate this sub-discussion right here though since I can already feel myself getting a bit too political for my own liking. Otherwise sometimes it will be a real education for you just going somewhere shaped to be a certain way by the rhetoric in the media.

Geo-location is a huge influencer

Geographic location profoundly shapes various aspects of our lives, from our belief systems to our worldview and understanding of humanity. Travelling to different places can be incredibly inspirational and enlightening. For instance, a visit to Rome can provide an opportunity to delve into the rich history of religion, influenced by the Vatican and Roman Catholics. Rome, often called the “Eternal City,” is a living testament to centuries of religious heritage, where ancient ruins, magnificent cathedrals, and religious rituals coexist, offering a profound spiritual experience for visitors. Similarly, exploring the Mormon Church in New York can offer a distinct perspective on Christianity, particularly the practice of Mormonism. Here, you can delve into the teachings of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, and gain insights into why he initiated this faith. Furthermore, you can learn about his family, including Joseph Smith Wives and children, providing a comprehensive understanding of the historical and religious context.

Some people do break out of the general view synonymous with a specific geographic location, but geographic location definitely plays a leading role in influencing so many aspects of our lives. An experience of this often opens one’s eyes to just how lucky you may be to be living in a place that allows you to challenge the status quo, without fear of persecution or even extreme consequences like imprisonment.

Everything is not as it seems

This perhaps goes back to the discussion on perspective being everything as part of the many lessons travelling teaches us. The discussion is taken a little further though in that for the most part, that perspective is often shown to be contrary to what the actual reality on the ground is. You’ll almost always find that things just aren’t what they’re made out to be, many times in a positive way though.

Money rules

It’s an unfortunate but true reality, that of how money rules and pretty much everything else fails. For starters, how else would one even be able to travel if they didn’t have money to buy a plane ticket and book accommodation? Also, the mere fact that there are services in the travel and tourism industry available is as a result of someone’s desire somewhere to make money…

Hope in humanity prevails

Finally and perhaps even most importantly, travelling to faraway places that expose you to the many different challenges faced by different people opens you up to a world of so many things that can go wrong, but what interestingly never fails to surface is just how many of those things don’t go wrong, mainly as a result of people choosing good over bad. All the little situations when complete strangers go out of their way to help in whatever predicament you find yourself in demonstrate just how much hope lives on in humanity, proving that there is more good in the world than there is evil.

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Dealing with an Exceptionally Gifted Child Wed, 28 Mar 2018 14:10:51 +0000 It’s all good and well going along and discovering quite early on that you have an exceptionally gifted child on your hands to deal with here and I’m talking about the type of exceptionalism that can be seen by people beyond those who care the most about the children. As a parent, your child is [...]

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It’s all good and well going along and discovering quite early on that you have an exceptionally gifted child on your hands to deal with here and I’m talking about the type of exceptionalism that can be seen by people beyond those who care the most about the children. As a parent, your child is special by default, but you’ll very quickly know when you’re dealing with an exceptional case, such as extreme talent in some or other area or even extreme good looks.

Luckily, for the most part children just instinctively know how to deal with cases of having discovered their talents very early on, especially if they receive the kind of support which allows them to pursue and nurture their talents. It generally doesn’t go to their heads, even if they go on to really shine in their area of exceptionalism, which is a good thing, generally.

As a parent however it is your duty to make sure that the exceptionalism is kept in check and managed properly, because sometimes the pressures of this world outweigh the natural instinct we’re born with to be able to handle such situations. It’s a rather delicate situation, but by no means is it an impossible one to manage, requiring one of two approaches really.

First gauge the response

The approach you’re going to take in dealing with your exceptionally gifted child depends on how they respond to their exceptionalism, or more specifically how they respond to the manner in which their exceptionalism is received. A child (no matter how old they are, in actual fact) responds either by acting as if their exceptional gift will open doors for them just by virtue of them possessing that talent, or they respond a little more positively by working ever harder to try and further improve on their gift or talent.

Reeling them in

As hard as it may be, it’s your duty to stop the creation of a monster in-the-making if you notice that your child’s exceptionalism is going to their head. Be the one to tell them that they can’t “eat their good looks” perhaps, in the case of them being constantly reminded of their attractiveness and get other family members in on it too. They should get some good grounding through the simple things, like being made to wash the dishes and do other chores.

There’s no harm in adding just a bit of fuel to the fire and boosting their confidence every now and then, but from you the praising of their exceptionalsim should come with guidance.

Nurturing the talent

If your child responds positively to the praises they get with regards to their exceptional gifts by pursuing those gifts with determination and diligence, all you can do is offer your full support, which means you might have to make some sacrifices to perhaps get them to that audition across the country or buy them that super expensive piece of sporting equipment that will help them perform better.

Balance is still required though, so they must be reminded to pursue other elements of life.

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Are Long Distance Relationships Worth the Effort? Sat, 17 Feb 2018 15:10:01 +0000 By no means is the data I collected and used to compile this post of a scientific grade, but I mean I live here on earth as well and I can see for myself what’s going on. Of all the people I know, whether they’re close friends, family members, relatives, acquaintances or work colleagues or [...]

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By no means is the data I collected and used to compile this post of a scientific grade, but I mean I live here on earth as well and I can see for myself what’s going on. Of all the people I know, whether they’re close friends, family members, relatives, acquaintances or work colleagues or even celebrities, the general trend of the divorce rate being 50 per cent seems to hold water across the board.

This is why when it comes to the question of whether long distance relationships are worth it or not, one then naturally thinks about it from a bigger-picture point of view. About 50 per cent of long distance relationships work out, with many making it to their 6 month anniversary, and showing commitment by purchasing a gift for the boyfriend on sites like for this occasion, and vice versa. Some even make it way further down the line, which is consistent with the overall stat tied to relationships. Of course we’re talking here about serious relationships which involve two people who are looking to build some kind of future together, and not about going on a series of dates and then not ever seeing each other again because there was no magic.

So the question of whether or not long distance relationships are worth the effort only has one answer and that is yes, but it depends on how serious the parties involved are. If you really want to make it work, then it’s worth pursuing the dream of being together, but there’ll be lots of hard work involved to try and make it work because as you know, distance just adds a whole new dynamic to the many challenges already faced by any couple seeking to pair up with each other.

Insecurities can be bred by simple actions which are often taken for granted, such as how one prospect could be the one who always texts first or calls, and so many other little things that are actually quite significant.

It all starts with the initial attraction – the initial spark which makes you want to act on something you suspect could turn into something really magical. That alone is worth at least trying to work something out and it’s okay to resign to the fact that the anatomy of the subsequent courtship or relationship that ensues for the subsequent period of time assumes that of something like a digital love.

Between the voice calls, video calls and all the texting, there’s not much else you can do to keep the flame alive until it can be fuelled by closer proximity. This is when things can get a little hazy because you start falling into somewhat of a routine which entails telling each other about your day, perhaps discussing hopes and dreams and maybe even just talking about everything and anything.

That doesn’t mean romance couldn’t be kept alive in long-distance relationships. Experimenting and exploring sexual desires virtually can help you to improve intimacy with your partner while living miles apart. You can try masturbation, sex toys, watching porn (on sites such as PornV), or sexting together to keep the spark alive. Ultimately though, what counts, in the end, is that you should be working towards closing that distance.

There could be a chance that one of you may have to make the sacrifice to relocate so that you can be with your significant other. Moreover, if your career and life goals align with each other, you will sooner or later get an opportunity to live together without making any sacrifices.

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Finding a Way to Live out Your Dreams Sun, 21 Jan 2018 15:09:08 +0000 Make no mistake about it, unless you’re one of a very lucky few in the world, chances are you’re going to find yourself in a situation you never imagined yourself to be in. Life has a way of taking you and putting you somewhere you never thought you could ever find yourself, be it regarding [...]

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Make no mistake about it, unless you’re one of a very lucky few in the world, chances are you’re going to find yourself in a situation you never imagined yourself to be in. Life has a way of taking you and putting you somewhere you never thought you could ever find yourself, be it regarding your personal or professional life. One day you may be in a career you feel good and secure in, the other, you could be browsing sites like The Blockchain Recruiter to find something else that will ignite a different career passion in you.

A young lady who went to college, coming out of it with a BSc Degree in Geology probably thought she’d be working out in the field, prospecting for valuable minerals to be mined and yet somehow she finds herself working in an office, staring at the computer screen each day analysing numbers. What about the young lad who also studied Geology and yet somehow he finds himself reporting the news for a national public television station?

The latter is probably a more positive development stemming from the completely different path life seems to have in store for each and every one of us, while the former is perhaps more of a negative way in which this plays out. Either way, the bottom line is life is not going to hand you your dream – you have to be the one to reach out and try and grab it, time and time again.

If you want to turn your dreams into a reality, you need to work towards building the right skills, and gaining the right knowledge and experience from the very beginning. Your personality needs to be attuned to adapting to the challenges that will come your way when making decisions for your future. But, to start, you NEED to understand the kind of career that is best suited to you. Perhaps you could take this career explorer test to find out what might work out for you, and what won’t. Gain a deep understanding of where your strengths and weaknesses lie so that you do not move head-first into an industry that you believed was your niche.

I can go on about so many other examples of people landing up in roles which are totally different from what they could have ever imagined themselves to be involved in, but the gist of the matter is that what appears to be this normal path life has for each of us has us collectively resigning to it and accepting it for what it is.

This is not how it should be – you have to find a way to live out your dreams, or die trying!

I’m not suggesting you go out and be completely reckless with your life, but rather that you open your eyes to the reality that you ARE ALREADY DYING! Each and every one of us started dying from the day we were born, so you might as well go out with a bang when your time to depart this earth eventually comes.

If you’re 40 years old and have dreamt of having the perfect wedding since your childhood, there is absolutely no reason why you should compromise and not chase after that dream. There’s no such thing as “being too old” or “it’s too late.” Understand that you don’t have to settle for a simple marriage registration just because you hold this kind of outlook. It’s never too late to plan a gorgeous, lavish destination wedding; seek a consultation from expert stylists at (or similar others) to find your dream wedding gown; or have your family and friends watch you walk down the aisle while celebrating your happily ever after at the age of 40!

Similarly, if you had an Olympic dream which perhaps involved something like playing football, of course it’s impractical to think that you can make that come true, but dreams live on in different forms and it’s okay for them to change. You could pursue a similar dream like becoming a football coach, sports commentator, or engaging in sports-related community initiatives to keep the spirit of your Olympic dream alive in a new and fulfilling way.

Ask the universe for what you want, and keep asking through the actions you take, for it is through determination, perseverance, and unwavering commitment that dreams, no matter how they evolve, find their path to reality.

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Travelling with the Whole Family Fri, 08 Dec 2017 15:07:25 +0000 I suppose the title of this post sort of suggests that travelling with the whole family is true quite the chore, but if you’ve had to endure a few hours in the car with family members of different generations, interests, and patience levels then you’ll know that that’s exactly what it is – a chore. [...]

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I suppose the title of this post sort of suggests that travelling with the whole family is true quite the chore, but if you’ve had to endure a few hours in the car with family members of different generations, interests, and patience levels then you’ll know that that’s exactly what it is – a chore. Now try travelling frequently with the whole family, internationally for that matter, with bums having to be in seats for very long stretches at a time!

It’s really not all bad though and you’ll actually be surprised at just how positively even toddlers can handle themselves en route to your destination if you approach this family-travel thing right. That’s what it’s all about – you have to bring everybody on board and show them that travelling is actually fun, so pull no stops in making sure the entertainment is top-notch once you reach your first few destinations. Think about how your itinerary would suit everyone, such as booking Holiday cottages in the Yorkshire Dales near a pub or high-street, that way you get great views and walks for the adults while the kids can get yummy food or entertainment.

That’s how easy it is to get everybody on board and while it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be well-behaved throughout the whole trip and every single time for that matter, at least they’ll be on your side when you tell them that things are going to get better once you arrive at your destination.

A single-daddy friend of mine (yes, they do exist, even though in this particular instance it’s a rather sad story of how the wife passed away giving birth) has this thing where he insists his toddler sits in his baby seat at the back and the rule is that the car doesn’t move until he gives in to be secured in his seat. Because of the frequency of the trips they take, the toddler is often right on board and generally has as much restraint as a child his age can have, so that’s a great example of how the destination can entice anyone to behave. On one occasion though they were stuck in some heavy traffic and you could see the tantrum coming from the toddler since he’d been really patient and seemed to have known that something is different this time – he somehow knew that he was having to be more patient than he usually is.

Such eventualities should be planned for and fortunately in this day and age entertainment is as mobile as we are. You get in-flight entertainment in aircraft that are bigger than the smallest ones which fly over short distances, so the kids can pop on their headsets and take their pick from the range of content to pass time with while the plane covers the miles in the air. Fortunately, entertainment options extend beyond just flights. Whether you have a laptop or a mobile phone, you can effortlessly keep the entire family entertained during your travel.

Thanks to the internet and TV service in Southern Louisiana and many other locations worldwide, you can now access your favorite shows and movies from virtually anywhere. This flexibility helps you steer clear of potential boredom during your travels.

What’s even better is that you can rest assured about the content being family-friendly, as you have the option to select shows and movies that are suitable for viewers of all ages. This ensures that everyone in the family can enjoy their entertainment without any worries.
Of course, there are very special cases such as how series like Family Guy are exclusively for adults, so it’s just a matter of keeping an eye on what they entertain themselves with.

Likewise, keep in mind that bathroom breaks and refreshment stops are essential pitstops when traveling with the whole family. They serve as more than just practical necessities; they become memorable moments of respite during the journey. These breaks offer a chance to stretch your legs, refuel with snacks or drinks, and briefly escape the confines of the vehicle.

For kids, they often mean a chance to expend some pent-up energy, explore new surroundings, or simply enjoy a change of scenery. It’s during these interludes that you can truly savor the adventure of traveling together. Whether it’s a charming roadside diner, a scenic rest area, or a quaint park, these breaks punctuate the journey, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the family expedition.

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We Trust Total Strangers More than We Know Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:06:30 +0000 A conversation with an international traveller who operates as an Uber driver back in his native land set my mind into motion and had me thinking about quite a few things, one of which is just how much we actually trust total strangers. It’s not a matter of being naive or gullible, but we in [...]

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A conversation with an international traveller who operates as an Uber driver back in his native land set my mind into motion and had me thinking about quite a few things, one of which is just how much we actually trust total strangers. It’s not a matter of being naive or gullible, but we in a sense don’t have a choice but to trust complete strangers more than we may even know, at times.

I guess it’s just part of being human and it’s what co-existence is all about.

This Uber driver told me about how much of a struggle it can sometimes be operating as an Uber driver back in his native land, with regards to safety. While the service works pretty much everywhere where there are busy people all around, there are some areas passengers want to go to which make the drivers cringe at the thought of a possibility of getting robbed or something.

This in itself just highlighted to me that there is a level of trust which is required of us in just about every scenario these days, whether you’re booking an Airbnb or indeed if you’re catching an Uber. Of course, fleet management software is used with a telematics system to keep track of the cars and staff, but we still put our trust in the drivers as soon as we step into the car.

It gets really, really deep though because the more one thinks about it, the more you realise that whether we like it or not, society is built on what can be rather uncomfortable levels of giving up your trust. Think about it – when you go to a restaurant, sit down and order any item of food or even a beverage off the menu, you don’t know what goes on in the back.

You essentially have to put your trust in the waiter serving you, but that’s just a matter of the here-and-now. By default, you also essentially have to put your trust in the organisation as a whole – you have to have faith in the possibility that the restaurant is handling the food hygienically and isn’t trying to flog spoiled food. We’ve heard of huge scandals in recent times with regards to the likes of water buffalo and horse meat being passed off as beef, and just for a fleeting moment, it seemed like more people all around the world were thinking about these levels of trust we have to put in each other, often by no choice of our own.

Sticking with the restaurant industry example, the trust does indeed spread beyond the restaurant itself, going all the way up the chain to the primary suppliers such as farmers. I mean how do you know really that the organic meat you’re supposedly eating in your burger is indeed organic and is ethically produced? Are you sure whether they are reaching the restaurant in a properly packed box pallet? You don’t – you just have to trust that it is, although there are means and ways to actually make enquiries, but that would require a concerted effort involving you and other consumers.

Fortunately though we’re not left completely to our own devises as there are regulatory bodies put in place to monitor, regulate and govern all these industries which largely require us to trust complete strangers. The bottom line though is that we do indeed have to trust total strangers more than we may know.

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Getting the Kids to Play Outside Again Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:05:17 +0000 Isn’t it just scary how a mere three-year-old toddler can take your tablet PC, go online and download some games which they subsequently enjoy playing and yet they probably can’t even speak properly as yet and don’t quite fully know what the names of all the different basic shapes are? It appears as if this [...]

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Isn’t it just scary how a mere three-year-old toddler can take your tablet PC, go online and download some games which they subsequently enjoy playing and yet they probably can’t even speak properly as yet and don’t quite fully know what the names of all the different basic shapes are? It appears as if this generation just has a natural affinity with all these little electronics and gadgets which undeniably form a very big part of all our lives, but rather worryingly it’s more on a consumer level than at the level of the developers or producers.

Sure, nobody expects a three-year-old to be a programming prodigy and that’s not what’s implied here. Rather, it’s worrying that kids are constantly indoors and exploring what is essentially the glossed up and filtered version of the world through a tiny mobile phone screen if not through a full-sized computer sitting in the study or on their iPads. It remains to be seen just how much of an effect this is going to have on the kids of the Millennial generation, which is rather concerning since we’ll have to deal with the situation as it arises. We might be faced with a unique set of challenges which nobody appears to have a solution to and we could be headed for disaster.

Granted, Millennials could be said to be in that situation themselves, with job scarcity and a global economy which seems to have sold us dreams that don’t have even the remotest chance of coming true, but we’re dealing with it, in one way or the other.

Now, if you have kids of your own you’re probably worried about the fact that they’re missing out on a whole lot of the joys of childhood, such as the simple pleasure of being able to go outside, call on your friends to join you, armed with nothing more than an imagination, only to have the time of your lives! Getting the kids to play outside again is not some unsolvable conundrum and it starts with just showing them just how much fun they can have outside.

It does slip their minds, you know?

Be proactive and pick up the ball and tell them that everybody in the house is going outside to play catch, kickabout, or whatever else will engage everybody. Obviously, you probably don’t have nearly enough energy to keep up with the little ones, so you can’t enjoy the outdoor fun with them for the many hours that they enjoy it, but all it takes to set the ball rolling is to be that spark sometimes. You could even build a small corner summer house in your garden to relax in and keep an eye on your kids whilst they play on the lawn. This helps you to engage with their outdoor activities, even if you don’t have the energy to run around.

Encourage them to engage in some outdoor activities, like taking the dog for a walk. Chances are on the way back from walking the dog they will have come across something in the great outdoors which has them eager to get right back outside after having a bit of lunch or coming back in to put the leash away.

Alternatively, you can purchase playground equipment like swingsets and get them installed in your backyard to entice your kids to spend time outdoors. It is a great way to make kids step outside and enjoy the fresh air, sunlight, and natural environment. While playing on a swing set, kids can learn to pump their legs and propel themselves, which can gradually help develop their self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment in mastering a new skill.

Expose them to the outdoors, and the natural instinct to play outside again will come flooding back. This will help you to reduce screen time, which is quite important at the current time when kids are glued to electronic devices. They need to connect with the world outside, especially nature which acts as a teacher. This would, eventually, help in developing their survival instincts.

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Why AirBnB is Getting More and More Expensive Tue, 12 Sep 2017 14:04:06 +0000 Well, the short of it is that AirBnB is becoming more and more expensive because it has gone through what a lot of these open technology platforms go through – their permeation by big-business shadow forces. This is not to say these are some sinister forces seeking to bring destruction, even though we refer to [...]

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Well, the short of it is that AirBnB is becoming more and more expensive because it has gone through what a lot of these open technology platforms go through – their permeation by big-business shadow forces. This is not to say these are some sinister forces seeking to bring destruction, even though we refer to them as “shadow forces,” but they’re perhaps the main reason why open platforms in general tend to lose their initial purity.

AirBnB and other similar platforms such as CouchSurfing are definitely getting more and more expensive, much to the joy and sadness of the founders because on the one hand the elevated costs are driven by a vibrant patronage of their platform, while on the other hand the original mission statement of bringing these services to the people at large is being chipped away at since it’s all getting too expensive for the average person. It would have been a good argument that of merely attributing the average price to regular market forces such as competition and supply-and-demand, but because of the big-business shadow forces entering into the market, these forces become skewed somewhat.

So how does big business interfere with what is otherwise a peer-to-peer type of arrangement which otherwise bids to make something like renting out an extra room in your house as easy as listing it on an app?

Well, for one you have the phenomenon of hoteliers no longer really operating strings of hotels in the traditional sense. Rather, they look to acquire properties all across the country and in some instances all across the world, house a primary long-term tenant in those properties and then have that primary tenant essentially manage the property. One of the responsibilities forming part of these management roles is indeed that of welcoming shorter-term renters in the form of couch-surfers and AirBnBers.

This way, it’s no longer a market whose price is dictated to by home owners with extra rooms and couches renting them out for some extra money to help them get through the month or for whatever other “reasonable” reason. Instead, it’s purely a profit-hunting model which is backed by property developers who have huge capital funds at their disposal and so they can pretty much just dictate what the pricing should be.

If for example you compare your AirBnB listing of a bedroom in a house that’s in a nice neighbourhood, close to all amenities and the works, and you compare that with a similar listing that fetches quite a bit more than your asking price, obviously you’ll drive your price up as well because that’s what the market seemingly suggests you should be aiming at. It’s one thing if you see just one listing, but there are many such listings, which makes the raising of the prices inevitable.

Peer-to-peer ride services such as Uber experience this in a little bit of a different way though. The prices aren’t driven up for the consumers, but rather wealthy individuals and corporations finance cars in their numbers and then essentially make arrangements with drivers to drive them and they then share the earnings with the owner.

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Lessons Learned from a Pilot-Turned Plumber Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:02:33 +0000 I’m sure you’re probably thinking the title of this post should be reading the other way around, as in a plumber who went on to be a pilot. It’s not – I really did mean to share a story of a pilot who went on to quit his job flying planes all around the world [...]

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The post Lessons Learned from a Pilot-Turned Plumber appeared first on Living with Lindsay.

I’m sure you’re probably thinking the title of this post should be reading the other way around, as in a plumber who went on to be a pilot. It’s not – I really did mean to share a story of a pilot who went on to quit his job flying planes all around the world to become a plumber. A little bit of an unusual career path admittedly. Most people simply choose to become a plumber and stick to that their whole lives, but some feel the call later on it seems.

So before I actually get into the lessons proper, I’m going to give you a bit of a background story.

As far as climbing the career ladder goes, it probably doesn’t get better than being a pilot if you’re in aviation. This of course at the level of getting employment and not at the level of ownership. You get perks like nobody’s business – you get to travel the world for free, outside of your job of flying passengers and you generally get to stay in all the best hotels and resorts.

You get a salary package that will make anybody in any other career jealous and once you’re actually on the job, unless something catastrophic happens you’re pretty much set for life as you’ll always have opportunities in your industry.

Now onto the lessons learned…

Our pilot friend (he’s actually a relative) quit his job as a pilot in order to live out his life as a plumber, citing various reasons from which some important lessons can be learned, which are applicable in life, generally.

There IS such a thing as enough money

I kid you not – one year’s salary plus all the bonuses and perks seems to have been enough to set our pilot friend up for life. He managed to buy his dream home and pay it off within the year and enjoys such a high quality of life that he actually made the decision to quit the industry long before he knew he’d eventually get into plumbing.

He runs his huge home as a guesthouse, which is fully occupied almost throughout the entire year and the money made from that is more than enough to sustain him and his family, more so now that the kids are all grown up and have flown the nest.

So I guess if your income can have you enjoying a good quality of life, then there’s no need to constantly be seeking more…

It’s all about filling the gap

Lesson number two – running a guesthouse means one comes across challenges such as burst pipes which flare up at the worst of times, like at 2 am in the morning. This is when the pilot realized there’s money to be made in plumbing and so he passed his trade test after qualifying through training and now does emergency plumbing outcalls only, at the same rates that other plumbers do regular outcalls during normal working hours. He works for a Milwaukee Emergency Plumbing company and absolutely loves his job.

He’s making a good amount of money from it too! Plus he’s in control of his working hours, which is great! However, plumbing rates vary from plumber to plumber which is why you might want to check out services like these guys! That said, it must also be mentioned that the service rates for plumbers vary for the type of work they do too! While some choose to stick to residential plumbing, many opt to provide commercial plumbing services to places like colleges, universities, schools, nursing homes, etc. If you would be interested, you could click here to learn more about commercial plumbing!

To summarize, it’s all about filling the gap in the market and you can make a decent living, but what’s perhaps most important above all else is the fact that you have to find a balance between your need to generate a good income and enjoying a good quality of life.

For some people like this pilot that simply means being able to enjoy your own home environment as opposed to constantly being away on deployment.

The post Lessons Learned from a Pilot-Turned Plumber appeared first on Living with Lindsay.

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